Expectation Management

Someone recently commented about my seeming resilience in the face of repeated setbacks. Some may wonder where that comes from. I can boil it down to two words: Expectation Management.

You see, I had it pretty rough as a kid having been ostracized to to a speech handicap I had which took me ten years to overcome. And with something like that, you'll either be broken by it, or adapt and overcome it.

And I sure as hell wasn't gonna let it break me. :)

Growing up dirt poor, one of the ways that I coped was to never stop dreaming of a better tomorrow, but to shape my expectations in order to downsize any potential disappointment.

Take entering a contest, for instance. Others would have sky-high unrealistic hopes for getting something with little to no effort. But me; I'd say: "It would be nice to win, but knowing the odds, this'll be for fun. If I win, great, If not, at least I an learn something along the way.

That my friends, is proper Expectation Management.

This versatility allows me to keep coming back following repeated setbacks. As I always keep things in check, so that unlike others, I'm not crushed by the outcome.

Will losing job after job cause you to drown your sorrows, OR... Spur you into finally starting that online business that yu've always dreamed of?

Some of the most useful blessings can come wrapped in adversity...

I think far too often, people get caught up in "Keeping up with the Joneses" and not building their own dreams. One of the axioms that I live by, is that it's good form to be happy for them when someone finds success. But twinned with that happiness for their good fortune, you better believe I wanna know HOW THEY DID IT, SO I CAN DO IT TOO!

Mama didn't raise no fool.:)

Jealousy is like a cancer that will eat you up from the inside out. Far better to deconstruct what they did right in their win and find ways to replicate that in your own life, while managing those expectations along the way.

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Far better to deconstruct what they did right in their win and find ways to replicate that..

I agree completely. When I was in the service, I found the people that were the most successful and looked to replicate what they did. I picked their brain for knowledge and resources they learned from. When I left the service, I did the same. It paid dividneds for me. If you want to be someone who has a good job that pays well, you don't listen and follow the guy flipping burgers at McDonalds smokes meth on his break.

Exactly. And you know what? I'm willing to bet that those people you questioned, were only too happy to share their knowledge with you. They were likely relived to finally meet someone who had a genuine interest in how they did it, instead being bitterly jealous at their success.

I'm never jealous when someone finds success because I know a lot of preparation, hard work, and a little luck, went into it. Cheering on their win not only makes them feel good, but it can make them want to help you to do the same even more. When someone succeeds against long odds, it inspires me, and is social proof that if they could roll up their sleeves and get it done, so can I. :)

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