
I want to make lots of money too lol.

Arnold, You couldn't make a lot of money in Vietnam. hahaha

And I did for 5 years in well mostly Saigon.

Arnlod, How many times have you been bitten by mosquitoes while living in Vietnam for 5 years?
Are there many thieves and pickpockets in Vietnam?
You are a very brave person. Koreans also say it is difficult to live in Vietnam.

I was told I was bitten in July and August of 2013 when I was staying in a hospital in District 5 of Saigon because I was feeling sick, tired, had these red spots all over my skin, all over my body, was there for like 5 days or so. Vietnamese would say to me there are so many Vietnamese robbers, thieves, pickpocketers, killers, etc. I ran into a few of them.