National Day Of Bible Reading 05.05.2019

in #faith5 years ago

Hello everyone,
Today, we celebrate the Third National Day of Bible Reading in Poland.

I randomly opened the Holy Bible on the first and second list of Saint Peter.

In first list St. Piotr puts emphasis on hope. He teaches that through trials the faith of Christians is perfected and is more precious than gold (1 P 1,7). In difficult times, one should focus primarily on the coming salvation. You must obey both God and the ruler, take care of personal holiness and clear conscience. Suffering is imitation of Christ himself, bringing man closer to God.

In second list St. Piotr addresses the issue of a delayed parousia. It assures believers that Jesus will come again. However, God is patient, he is waiting for the penance of sinners, because he cares for the salvation of all people. Besides, his count of time is different. The Lord's Day will come "like a thief" (2P 3:10), so you have to be constantly in your faith.

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