Fake Science Is Running The World

in #fake3 years ago

Pseudoscience, I think I’m falling for you! Give me another sip of your truth!


What’s more dangerous than a so called pandemic? The so called experts shoving down our throats mountains of lies. Expertise is tricky. Precisely because experts are the most prone to bias. Allen Frances said it best while describing experts in the field of psychiatry pushing as much as they can to get their “pet diagnoses” inside the DSM-V.

Why such a funny nickname you would think? It’s because just like pets, the experts ' “expertise” follows them every fucking where they go. It’s all they eat, think, breathe, talk about. When you are glued to your expertise/field of work/project - whatever you want to call it, you can easily get caught up in a tunnel vision and as a result (voluntarily or not) choose not to see any evidence that might go against what you hold as the ultimate truth.

Yes my dear, confirmation bias is back stronger than ever with a side of corruption because when a company is giving you money to finance your scientific experiments, your results ought to head a certain way. Objectivity? Add this one too to the list of lies of the century.

Put a bunch of corrupted power hungry “experts” in a same room and you’d be a fool for thinking that somehow something good could come out of this. They can spin the narrative of their choice, distort the facts all day long, turn personal opinions into facts, fuck with the truth, hide what doesn’t look pretty on paper, and we’ll still be at their feet like thirsty dogs with our tongues out begging for more of their irrefutable knowledge.