Teaching my Daughter How to Play Chess

in #family4 years ago




She already knows the names of all the pieces and how the pieces move. Next thing you know she's putting my king in check!!! What happened all of a sudden my daughter is not only playing chess but knows how to win!


Hello my friend! :D

I love how serious and focused she looks in the first picture, the determined almost angry look in the second shot and the enjoyment just coming out on her face for the move she just made in the third. :D A perfect set of pictures to capture the many emotions one goes through while playing a game to win. :D

I'm not a huge fan of chess personally, probably because I don't know how to play well myself, but I have watched "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix and really enjoyed it. :D Perhaps you should check it out yourself to decide if the content is suitable for her, (there are some subject matters in it that are less than good examples,) at this age. :D Even with the content issue it was quite interesting to me and made me want to understand the game, maybe I'll even challenge my handsome husband to a game once I get how to beat him. :D LOL! :D

God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

I took a closer look at her face in those photos and she does have some interesting expressions! She didn't win, but several times she had a better setup on the board to win, with some more experience and practice, she's going to be very difficult to beat. I'll check out "The Queen's Gambit", but I don't have Netflix. I'll figure something out. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

Maybe she's one of the world's top Chess players in the making. :D

Good luck finding an alternative spot to watch it, I think it's a Netflix Original show, so it might not be available elsewhere just yet, but I'm sure it'll be out on DVD soon. :D

God bless you and yours. :D

Have you watched The Queens Gambit on Netflix?

I'd appreciate your witness vote.

I haven't seen The Queen's Gambit, I don't have Netflix, but I'll search amazon for it.

I will happily give you my vote for witness, congratulations!

Thanks for your witness vote.

I see others have also recommended The Queen's Gambit.

I love chess myself but rarely get time to play.

My son is now a decent player and I hope to teach him when he arrives for 6 weeks in early Dec.

My daughter's boyfriend actually handed me my first defeat in decades a few weeks ago but I managed to even it up with a stalemate and a win in subsequent games.

Wow, nice. I also played some chess back in the days, was never really good at it. However, it was fun. Great to see that you are teaching chess to your daughter.

It was a fun evening!