A wedding worth remembering | Typhoon Rai

in #family2 years ago

The Wedding.png

I haven't been as "present" lately. My thoughts are all over the place. Despite the fact that things did not go as planned. I'm relieved that we're all still alive and breathing. When the event happened, I felt it would be ideal if I documented it. But I wasn't able to fully internalize everything that unfolded that day. Now that I'm starting to feel better and slightly stable, I'm going to try to share my experience with you.

This is basically a short summary of my experience the day Cebu was put in what seemed like a nightmare if not for all than most residents who were present that day.

My pov:

Earlier that day while we were preparing for the big day, warning signals started to pop out on our phones, bothering us. At first glance of the sky, many of us felt that the weather really wasn't going to be good that day. But surely no bad weather was stopping two people from celebrating the day they unite as one. The wedding must go on.

As we proceeded to the church the rain started to pour and the wind just kept getting stronger and stronger as if it was about to blow anything that stood in its way. Still, that didn't stop the wedding from happening.

When we proceeded to the reception the sky was dark and like earlier the rain and wind kept going. Some of the guests weren't able to come to the reception anymore afraid of what might happen when the landfall of typhoon Rai reaches Cebu.

A special mention to the bride @morenatravels for her marriage and for the most memorable wedding I've ever been to😂❤️


As time went by the typhoon was closer and closer. Looking at the window I was terrified. The wind the typhoon brought sounded like I was in a horror movie. The experience by far was the worst, most terrifying typhoon I have ever witnessed.

It wasn't at all sunny that day, in fact, I don't think I ever saw the sun.
The circumstance was different for us all. Lucky for us we are able to take shelter at the hotel the reception was held. We were evacuated in a room where there were no windows and waited for what felt like hours. But, the silver lining of the evacuation was that the hotel served a free buffet for everyone!

No matter how chaotic the circumstance
it is crucial that we keep a positive spirit to keep us going.

It has been so long since I last published a blog
and I'm looking forward to posting more so stay tuned.
Until I publish again, peace out ya'll✌️



No matter how chaotic the circumstance
it is crucial that we keep a positive spirit to keep us going

Aweee. Thanks for this reminder, ate😘

A day we never can forget!!!!!