A woman took away a kid from the hospital, and she is blamed in kidnapping now. Outrageous news! If not including that this woman is a native mother of this boy!
The thing is the day before the boy was taken away from his mother and was sent to a hospital. The woman was blamed in addiction to alcochol and bad attitude to the kid.
it's the official info from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is necessary to understand what happened, but it may well turn out that the mother of the child did not abduct the child at all, but rather restored the rule of law, since throughout the country such removals of children from families occur illegally!

The mother is not deprived of her rights or limited in them by the court, this is her child, so the words about the abduction or kidnapping are just funny!

Even if the boy was taken away due to neglection, CPS have to give him back when the native mother comes for him. Moreover, neglection is a serious accusation, and here there is no ground to use it because it touches only:

“a minor whose behavior is not controlled due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties for his upbringing, education and (or) maintenance on the part of his parents or other legal representatives or officials;”

So all these accusations should be proved, and not only by a CPS representative. So here in this case the law is really broken but not by the mother...



"...the words about the abduction or kidnapping are just funny!"

I am sure she is not laughing. Her family is not together enjoying the joke. It is a deadly jest, and the punchline is literal violence by the state tyrannically enslaving her son, becoming the owner of them through the application of force that deprives her of her sovereignty over her and her family.

When such ludicrous claims are made, they would be ridiculous and laughable, were they not forcibly imposed on hapless people by gangs of armed thugs that will take them captive and reduce them to slave labor and being kept in a cage, or kill them if they resist. Then they become deadly serious.


👍you're right..