It is known that the Perm region in my country is a juvenile cradle. The most juvenile methods were concentrated rights there, and still this region is full of juvenile stories.

One of them is a story about orphans and their grandmother who is fighting for them during several years...

There were 2 kids, 8 and 11 years old, their mother and grandmother. It was an ordinary family that lived in a nice house in the countryside.

In 2022 the mother died...
A great tragedy both for kids and for the grandmother..

It was so hard for them to take this life challenge, but they didn't give up.

They were united and tried to live a nice life until...juvenile justice didn't pay attention on them.

CPS came to the house but they had no complaints about the living conditions of the children.

The grandmother (according to advice of CPS) issued preliminary guardianship, the period of which expires in six months.
They didn't tell about the possibility of adopting grandchildren for many reasons, including because this form of placement of children will significantly protect the family from CPS. The poor grandmother just trusted them and their advice.

In 6 months temporary guardianship was formalized and then permanent guardianship had to be made.
The grandmother had a medical examination, her health was fine. She made all necessary docs and was sure she would get it. But CPS workers had strange behavior...

On the last day of temporary guardianship (October 12, 2022), with a terrible fight, the grandmother managed to submit an application for permanent guardianship, along with all the documents required by law.

But in the morning of November 14, 2022, CPS staff took kids away from the school in an unknown direction.

And the fight began....

Mote than 1,5 years a poor grandmother tried to get kids back.
Not long ago with the help of family protectors the court decision was made in favor of the grandmother.

But kids are still not at home...
The fight is going on.