Sounds like news from another world. But it's from ours!
A new outrage of officials, which they even can't comment properly!

News about new mission of parents has appeared in Belgorog news. This city is situated not so far from the Crimea where I live, so I was interested very much.

The news says about Interdepartmental raids on the Belgorod beach. Employees of juvenile affairs units check if children under 14 years of age are accompanied by legal representatives.

“Even if children are with an older brother or sister, or with grandparents, they do not have the right to be there, since the legal representative is mom or dad, - they say.

If kids are found on the beaches without parents (who are at work in most cases) they will have definite problems with CPS.

What's going on?

A family protection movement activist asked the commissioner definite questions about this news.

❓The questions are:
Do you believe that children should always be with a legal representative?
Where is a place reserved for the permanent presence of kids legal representatives in kindergartens and schools?

Btw now still parents can NOT even enter these organizations because of high terrorist danger risk!

Who was punishment for not allowing legal representatives into the territory of schools and kindergartens?
What law compensates families for the loss of work by one of their legal representatives in order to be constantly with the child?

of course, no clear answers were given...


Back when I was raising my kids, most of the atrocities current weren't more than suspicions. As a parent, suspicion was all I needed to trigger my protective action. Instead of facilitating any untoward access to my children by suspicious characters, such as teachers, government agents, or family members I knew damn well were unsavory Statists, I continually accompanied my sons personally.

This meant I homeschooled 24/7, and that meant they came to work with me most days. It meant no one but me ever 'watched' my kids. My mother was never once able to spend days with my kids without me, sadly. This isn't because of her Statism, really (although that was, I felt, reason enough), but because she was averse to firearms and didn't have any means to defend my kids from violent assault. Neither would she allow my kids to possess their firearms on her property, which meant I needed to accompany them at all times (since I did carry at all times) so they would be properly defended from potential violence.

This meant they didn't go to school unless I was there, or to any friends homes where I knew the parents weren't armed. This was sometimes extremely inconvenient and angered everyone involved, but we live in a dangerous world and I expected my kids to be defended to legally permissible limits, which to me meant nukes weren't necessary.

After being menaced on the street by a carload of cranksters, I realized such threats could eventuate at any time and place, and it was therefore necessary to at all time be prepared to meet them, and any injury to my kids that resulted from not being armed would make their injury MY FAULT. I did not sign up to be a father to become responsible for injuring my kids. I loved them without reservation, and therefore took that responsibility seriously, and just as unreservedly.

I also made sure my kids were well-armed and capable of martial violence themselves - which was kinda scary when they became rebellious teens! However, it all worked out such that no violence ever once harmed my kids up to their majority, so I consider my parenting successful in that regard. Frankly, I considered keeping them safe the very least I was obligated to do, and am glad I did. Because of my diligence towards their safety when they were children they are competent adults to secure themselves, and don't question at all that they are personally responsible for their safety. I consider that the only reasonable view of personal security and reckon I succeeded in all that.


such a great story about your life, thanks a lot!

you know, I'm with my son 24/7 during all his 9 years (almost 9). if we were not together, it lasted about 2-3 hours only, and it was during the first years of his life, now he is all the time with me or with his Dad. It's extremely hard for us because we don't have free time, but it's the way we can live now, the only way. He is unschooled, our parents can't help us much because of their age, health, work, so my motherhood is totally mine;)
It's safer for my kid, it can save me from many worries, though it takes all my life. But I do understand parents who have another way of life, they work, they need to earn money going to their officies or other organisations where they can't take their kids. Moreover, kids elder than 10-12 is too big to be all the time with their parents, but here we face demands to be with parents till 14. Impossible and stupid.

How much we all suffer from stupid laws.

When my sons were ~10 I started paying them wages to do labor on the jobs I took them to. They had been sorta helping out anyway, as kids naturally do, and this greatly encouraged them to learn to be like adults, which kids want more than anything. I later was told by them that this was one of the most important scholastic undertakings for them, because it was a conduit for so much else besides packing boards to where they needed to be. When I was installing sheetrock, I had them measure boards for the cuts, and every pencil mark was a test, because once it was cut, their mark either passed (the board fit), or failed (the board didn't fit). It's also kinda tricky because the boards are marked and measured on the back, so everything has to be reversed in your head to properly mark out holes and cuts.

Because tape measures in the USA use the imperial system, fractions required simplification (they weren't all in tenths, like metric measurements, but in 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and so on). This required them to learn algebra and basic multiplication and division of fractions, which is a solid foundation in maths, and they didn't learn theories but practical applications of the calculations that they then immediately saw to be right or wrong when the board fit or did not. I found it to be a very effective way for them to learn stuff that I struggled with learning from books in the classroom when I was in middle school.

I don't know if this will be useful to you, but I have been extremely gratified by the practical curriculum working labor on construction sites provided my kids. They were far in advance of their schooled peers, and only absorbed all the nonsense schools teach kids from their peers, which they naturally compared to the practical knowledge they knew was true from their experience in the real world. As a result my kids were naturally seen as leaders by their peers, and, while they weren't enrolled in classes, did participate in about every club and sport they could, like the debate team, bands, football (US), soccer (football in the rest of the world), and even student government. My eldest was captain of the football team and led our local school to participate in state wide competition for the first time in almost 50 years (it's a very small school). He was Homecoming King (a dance event the kids have after the football season), and etc. They enjoyed leading their peers in all these challenges and the recognition of their contributions when receiving awards and participating in the ceremonies.

This all kept me busy, because I had to be at all these events, but I still have the DVD of my kids singing in the school play 'Oklahoma', which amazes me to this day that they are so talented and such better men than I ever learned to be from my misery in public school.

I hope you can use these concepts to enable your family to achieve greater success than you have yourself. Little is more gratifying to a parent than to see your kids out-achieving anything you ever did, at least it has been to me.

Edit: plus, working for wages meant they had adult quantities of money, which I allowed them to spend on (approved by me) stuff they wanted. They bought 4x4's which they could drive on our compound innawoods on cat trails I'd driven. They loved driving their own trucks, albeit slowly because the cat trails were very crude, which also meant that when they made mistakes and crashed or got stuck, they did so at ~10mph and made it very hard for them to get hurt. However they had to pay for any parts and do all the work themselves, including winching their truck out when they got stuck. By the time they were old enough to drive on public roadways they were very unwilling to do anything stupid driving because they had learned all the ways it would cost them time, money, and lots of very hard work to fix.