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RE: Paid With Steem! My Plantain Plantation Got Steem-Powered-Up :-)

in #farming7 years ago

This is really cool @misterakpan! I am envious of you - my biggest ambition is to get some land. I love working in the dirt. Would love to grow as much of my own food as possible. Great pictures and how cool that Steemit is already working for you in the real world. Resteemed this - I think it is a great reminder for anyone struggling at the beginning of the Steemit journey - fishes wriggling around out of water gasping for air - remember there is a big cool ocean to dive in! Keep on swimming and find your reef to hang out on! Much love - Gnash


Much love, distant brother. I am making the most of our far less urbanisation compared to the big wild west. It's a family land that's not been put to any use because my dad left his acre of diamond to pursue city dreams. He was happy to let me put it to use. I am from a place where I can easily buy tens of hectares with a few tens of thousands of $. That is my medium term goal.