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RE: More Chicks! / Ещё Цыплёнки!

in #farmlife3 years ago

Awe, there is nothing like having a bunch of peeps running around! I absolutely adore baby Ameraucanas and there little eyelined eyes, lol! I only have four chickens around the farm right now, Ameraucanas, and I just love those girls, so easy going.

Of course Silver Laced Wyandottes are also beyond amazing. Ah, who am I kidding, I am sucker for any chickens really, and must admit that it's weird not having a couple hundred of them around. But what's cool is I can just check out your blog on occasion and see what your rapidly growing flock is up too:)

And I am looking forward to seeing that airship!!


The little ameraucana chick that hatched last year is actually crossed with a silver-laced wyandotte. She's gorgeous, and lays very pale blue eggs.