Wish List....what improvements would make your time here more enjoyable?

in #feedback6 years ago

So I spend more and more time on Steemit and there's a few things that I'd like to see added to the platform. How about you? Feel free to add to this list and let's give the devs and Steem entrepreneurs a clear idea of what we want! This IS community driven, right?

  1. Notifications - we have the Comments and Replies page, but there must be a more elegant way. I want to know when someone resteems me, for example.
  2. Private messages - like Facebook and every other social media platform
  3. Better search feature - why tf are there Google ads on the search results?
  4. Community homepages - similar to sub-Reddit's
  5. Customizable "My Links" - Sure, I can bookmark everything, but we're talking about user experience here.
  6. Time released posts - ability to post your content in the future (Facebook offers this)
  7. Set post thumbnail to something other than 1st image in post
  8. Better signup system for new accounts - currently the Steem handle isn't included in the welcome email
  9. Ability to specify an excerpt (aka a shortened version of your post when sharing)
  10. Pinned posts - similar to Twitter. Many posts get lost in time and are harder to find as they age.
  11. A "jump to comments" button so that I don't have to scroll down to the exact position on the page.
  12. A larger "Reply" button. Why is this frequently used link so small?
  13. Financial information - Yeah, we have but why not offer that on the front-end?
  14. Up-to-date information on my Voting Power. Basically make part of my homepage
  15. Notification when someone follows me. I see my follower numbers go up, but who is following me?

...ok, that should get things started.

What would you like to see improved or added? If we are to entice "normal" social media users to come over to our platform, then it needs to resemble the user experience that they are used to. One of the best things about Steem(it) is that ppl don't know they are using a blockchain. That's part of the genius here, but it doesn't mean they need to use a platform that looks like it was developed in 2001.

I too would be worried that Dan was planning to build a Steem(it) competitor; there's plenty of room for improvement and nothing like a good dose of competition to do just that. Now, is someone who is not affiliate with Steem incentivized enough to build a better front end or will someone built an entirely new blockchain with different inflation, incentives and find different/better ways to support a community but take the User Experience and Interface more seriously? is trying, but I have a feeling that it should rest in the hands of the actual team to set the standard.

Build Freedom,


I listed some reasons in this post why other social media have failed. Some of your suggestions hit on those reasons.

As a very new user, I'd appreciate it if the wallet functions walked me through how to buy Steem, which I still haven't figured out.

Re: your point three: if search results now include Google ads, I'm guessing Google is also adding to its info on the searcher data about what was searched for. Search shouldn't betray users like this.

I agree with practically all the suggestions, really it is necessary to improve the interface, it makes the use of the page more comfortable and also makes new people more inclined to enter. The first time I enter Steemit, I remember thinking that I would not be here for a long time, because the row of posts that come out at the beginning and the huge tide of junk content make it impossible to find anything useful.

Fortunately Steemit has one of the best, or probably the best, community found in the network, are people quite predisposed to progress, and also to help others to progress, I believe that if they apply some aesthetic and functional improvements, Steemit can grow really fast.

100% agree. Great community here and we have a working blockchain product. More than nearly every other blockchain can say.

Excellent list. Zappl was trying to do Private messages and when I posted about it the Zappl team confirmed that they are also working on a poll feature.

Time released posts and picking thumbnails are very important and my very basic programming knowledge says that they won't be that difficult to implement.

All the above list points are worth to be developed here but I would like to add one more that is BLOCKING unwanted people. Mute is not do what we want to be.

A larger "Reply" button. Why is this frequently used link so small?

Because the coders are in their 20's, not in their 50's...

haha that's probably true

i got a sense that here in Steemit most content is alot around about Crypto and this makes harder for other content creators to Jump in. . .
Am i right?

You are so right! No audience for most everything else.

Thanks for sharing a huge list of points Keep it up. you are really work for this platform

some thing are work with the pessage of time i think these will also work and all points that you want will be available for you in feature

Yeah! I also spend time here more and more in one month and I learn many things, little more about cryptocrruncy. I enjoyed to here spend time and know about this community people they are very kind like you.
And one more thing, How can I hide wallet ?

Thank for the huge list. I think "Pinned posts - similar to Twitter. Many posts get lost in time and are harder to find as they age." is not necessary.

Thank you for working on improvement this platform

I agree with you 😅

All these would be wonderful! I could really see steemit taking over the social media game with a few things added.

i am curious with btc prices now. a very great post.

Well you got a long list there,but if I have to choose three altercation,I would say
1.self upvotes
Yeah self upvotes,this has to be ripped off from this platform,this is the most racist thing this platform contains.some of whales are making wrong profit out of it.
it keeps me updated with all inputs I am getting,and makes my interaction in real time.
This is weird why can't I make other pictures as Thumbnail,this must be changed.


Cause whales can self upvotes,on the other hand if one try to buy votes,their accounts are blacklisted.
Prejudistic would be the correct word there I think.

or greedy/selfish? But what about all the $ they put in to the system. Or all the time and energy they put in before you knew abt the platform?

At least a limit should be impose,one can't enjoy rewards thats everlasting.
Well they must have put a lot of efforts not denying that.

The features you have mentioned is Enough if steemit develop @ashe-ore

Maybe u have not noticed but its still beta and they probably gonna implement all these funny features in the next rc release. Nah just joking ;-)
Steemit is not userfriendly. Without external tool its a pain to use it. Good wishlist.
The most critical feature for me is search feature. It should be easier to find content u like. Search by tags, favourite tags and users.
Just my thoughts.

A great algorith that EVERYONE can be promoted and Upvoted, We always see the same faces everytime. A newcomer can not stand here.

well i think there should be no update made in steemit couse it will be like other socal media website facebook and all and then peoplw will start spaming it and we dont want that so far so it think how it is very good well its my view

so development and updates should stop on Steemit?

no i am not saying that .. but the thing is dont make it too simple that anyone can use it even the spammers ... who post anything without thinking there should be devlopment and it must like we need notification and we need chat and so many moe things

Yeah... These all points should have to be developed ... and should be in it... because in my opinion they are the basic things.... for any social media....
By developing this. Not much time will be wasted oof the users...

A delete button would be nice! Or a direct notifications option similar to facebook. And a messenger section, unless there's already one.

I didnt have time to go through all the ideas mentioned but i certainly agree on 8. Better signup system and 6. Time released posts.

And somehow i always like my own page skin. So if there is a skin to choose from / buy, or that it is possible to built your own skin and sell this for Steem on the Steem Shop ;), that would be great. And maybe learn a bit of Medium as in the User Interface. But furthermore SteemUp for this platform.