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RE: Sitting Coldly

in #fiction3 years ago

A perfect description of how a hospital sitting feels like. Cold. A lot of the staff is detached, performing various tasks almost robotic and lifeless. I think that working in such a place is hard and I do wish we could see more smiles of compassion regardless of the struggle.
Being sick in a hospital can take your thinking to unimaginable depths. Illness can force you to go deeper within somehow, if you are ready and willing.


A lot of the staff is detached, performing various tasks almost robotic and lifeless.

I think it is partly due to desensitization and also self protection. Dealing with the ill daily must suck a lot of the time.

Dealing with the ill daily must suck a lot of the time.

I wonder why do they pick the job in the first place then?

Perhaps they want to help, but it wears them down. Most teachers seem to be the same.