Selena's Enchanting Existence

in #fiction10 months ago (edited)


"In the realm of shadows, Anatacio's day about to close. Surrounded by a village nestled within the embrace of dusk, young Anatacio waited, yearning for his mother's return.

"Mom should be back by now," Anatacio muttered to himself, staring at the path that led to the village.

"A bit late today, isn't she?" a soft voice inquired.

Anatacio turned, his heart racing. He found himself facing the mango tree. "Who said that?"

"Me," the voice responded, and to his amazement, the tree seemed to shimmer slightly.

"Trees don't talk," Anatacio said, half in disbelief.

"True, but I do," the voice persisted.

Anatacio blinked, his curiosity overcoming his skepticism. "Who are you?"

"I'm Selena, and I live inside the mango tree," the voice revealed itself.

"You live there?" Anatacio asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Yes, I have powers, so I can fit and it's not cramped at all," Selena confidently replied.

Anatacio's stomach growled audibly. "I wish Mom would hurry back. I'm so hungry."

"Mothers, always taking their time," Selena remarked.

"She didn't even think that I was waiting for her," Anatacio added with a sigh.

As the night deepened, the only sound was the rustling of geckos on the wall. "I hope those stories about trees sometimes talking are true," Anatacio whispered to the roots of the mango tree. He thinks he's too lonely that he's imagining answers to his talks.

"Trees don't talk," Selena replied, startling Anatacio.

"Whoa, you can hear me?" he asked, amazed.

"Of course I can. And I'm telling you, trees don't talk," Selena stated.

Anatacio looked around, half-expecting someone else to be there. "Then who said that?"

"It was me," Selena replied.

Anatacio chuckled. "Okay, if trees don't talk, then what are you?"

"I'm Selena, and I live inside the mango tree," she repeated.She then revealed herself with a lamp.

"Inside the tree? How does that even work?" Anatacio asked, incredulous. He's so bewildered with her beauty.

"It's a secret," Selena teased.

"Do you want to come inside with me? You know I've been sad here," Anatacio offered, wanting to share his space with his newfound friend. He assumed she's been watching him.

"Next time, when I can ask my mom for permission, I'll come with you," Selena replied.

"Alright, it's up to you," Anatacio said.

"Anyway, don't be sad. I'll join you next time. I'll just ask my mom's permission. Go back inside, or your mom and dad might look for you," Anatacio advised.

"Fine, I'll leave now, but I'll come back, okay?" Selena promised.

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead. I'll watch how you get in," Anatacio said.

Selena waved to him and grabbed the mango tree. Suddenly, she was drawn into the tree, leaving Anatacio in astonishment.

Anatacio couldn't believe his experience that night. He kept staring at the mango tree, hoping Selena would come back soon.

After a while, there was rustling in front of the mango tree, and the guava leaves blocking the path moved away.

He heard a thud and saw his mother's blue slippers, which she always wore, coming towards him.

"Mom!! Why did you come just now?!" he exclaimed as he ran to meet her.

"I'm sorry, my child. I saw your cousin's aunt in town and she insisted on giving me a ride home, saying they'll pick you up here," his mother explained.

It's evident that they're living their life in sort of hiding but not really. Anatacio is not insistent for answers so he didn't asked further.

"It's already 7:30. Why are you still outside? The light inside, why did you leave it? Luckily, our house didn't catch fire," he didn't wait for his mother's response as he guided her inside.

His mother put down her bags and he started digging like he was looking for something. And indeed, he was looking for something, his favorite mamon.

"Mom, didn't you buy mamon?" he asked when he couldn't find his favorite treat.

"I did buy some, of course, but I won't give it to you just yet," his mother replied.

"Come on, Mom," he said.

"Have dinner first, Tacio. Don't be so insistent. I didn't raise you to be like that. Behave," his mother scolded gently.

"Alright, Mom, I'll just clean up my eating area," he replied, accepting defeat.


"The rooster has crowed. It's already five o'clock," his mother's voice woke him up the next day.

Anatacio's mother woke up and stretched slightly. The sunlight peeked through their shelter. She needed to cook some food and wake up Anatacio.

"Time to wake up, my child. We have a big day ahead," his mother's voice came from the kitchen.

He's only six years old, but he's intelligent and already knows how to read. She taught him at a young age because for what reason would she become a teacher but to teach her son first?

"Mom, I want to tell you something," Tacio's voice filled the room. He thought of sharing what happened last night and asking for permission, especially since he knew she'd leave later that day.

"Later, Tacio, I need to cook. Feed the chicken in the coop, give them some rice, the leftover from what you ate last night," his mother instructed.

Anatacio started his chores, feeding the chickens and watering the crops. His hands worked swiftly, accustomed to the tasks that needed to be done.

"Time to eat, Tacio," his mother's voice called him back to the house.

As he sat down to eat, Anatacio's thoughts wandered to Selena. He wondered if she was okay and whether she'd come back tonight.

"You're coming with me to the neighboring village today. You'll start schooling," his mother announced.

"But Mom, didn't you say I'd start next year?" Anatacio asked, confused by the sudden change of plans.

"Tacio, my child," his mother said, gently patting his hair. "I never said you need to go to preschool. There's no problem now; even at the age of six, you can start first grade."

Anatacio's heart swelled with excitement. "I can read, Mom. You taught me."

"Perfect. Then let's get ready," his mother said a proud smile on her face.


"Where are you off to, Tacio?" a voice called out as he was leaving.

Tacio turned to see Mrs. Serion, the teacher from the neighboring village.

"Just out here, the noise from my classmates is a bit too much Ma'am," Tacio explained.

"Come along now. Our class is about to start," Mrs. Serion urged.

The classroom was a hubbub of activity as Anastasio and his fellow students settled in. Their teacher's arrival was met with silence.

"Good morning, class!" Mrs. Serion greeted enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Mrs. Serion. Good morning, classmates," the timid responses echoed in the room.

As introductions began, Anatacio couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. When his turn came, he stood up.

"I'm Anatacio Del Valle, and I'm six years old. I live in Brgy. Kilwayan, Ronsesbalyes, Bukidnon. My mother is Anna Flora Del Valle. I haven't met my father yet."

As the day unfolded, Anatacio's interactions with his classmates were filled with curiosity and laughter. And through it all, Selena remained in his thoughts, a magical secret that he held close to his heart.


Anatacio's days in the neighboring village were filled with new experiences, friendships, and lessons. Mrs. Serion's teaching style made learning exciting, and Anatacio's eagerness to participate quickly made him a favorite among his classmates. He found himself enjoying mathematics, often spending extra time solving problems just for fun.

During lunch breaks, Anatacio often sat under a large oak tree, reminiscing about his conversations with Selena. He wondered if she had managed to ask her mother's permission to visit him. As days turned into weeks, he became more engrossed in his studies and making new friends, yet the memory of Selena remained a cherished secret.

One day, as Anatacio was absorbed in a book about animals, a girl named Isabella approached him. She had noticed him sitting alone during lunch breaks and decided to strike up a conversation.

"Hi, Anatacio, right?" she asked with a friendly smile.

Anatacio looked up from his book, surprised by the sudden interaction. "Yes, that's me."

"I'm Isabella. I noticed you always sit here alone. Want to join us for lunch?" she offered.

Anatacio hesitated for a moment, his thoughts flickering back to his secret conversations with Selena. But he realized that making new friends could be just as magical.

"Sure, I'd love to," he replied with a grateful smile.

As weeks turned into months, Anatacio's circle of friends expanded. He had become an integral part of his class, participating in school activities, making presentations, and even winning a spelling competition. Yet, in the back of his mind, he eagerly awaited the day when Selena might join him outside the village under the mango tree.

One evening, after school, Anatacio decided to visit the mango tree. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape. He leaned against the tree trunk, thinking about the journey he had embarked on since that first encounter with Selena.

As the wind rustled through the leaves, he heard a familiar voice. "Anatacio!"

Startled, he turned around and saw a shimmering figure emerging from the mango tree. It was Selena, her face beaming with delight.

"Selena! You're here!" Anatacio exclaimed, unable to hide his excitement.

"I kept my promise," Selena said with a mischievous grin. "I finally got my mother's permission to come visit."

Anatacio's heart swelled with joy. "I've missed talking to you."

"Likewise. Tell me, how has your life been? Have you made new friends?" Selena inquired.

Anatacio eagerly shared stories about his new school, his classmates, and his adventures. Selena listened with rapt attention, occasionally chiming in with words of encouragement.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, Anatacio and Selena continued their conversation. The bond between them had deepened over time, fueled by their shared moments and secret exchanges.

Anatacio realized that while his friendship with Selena was extraordinary, the friendships he had forged at school were equally precious. His world had expanded beyond the realm of shadows, and he was grateful for every experience that had led him to this moment.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Anatacio felt a sense of contentment. His heart was brimming with gratitude for the magical secret he held within and the wonderful people he had met along the way. And under the mango tree, surrounded by whispers of the wind, Anatacio and Selena's friendship continued to bloom, a testament to the power of connection, even between realms.


Author's note:
I've written this story in Tagalog and I did used AI to translate it to English and Grammarly with my grammar problem. This was my 2019 imagination so, it's not worth to post on communities. If you're enjoying this, let me know, we'll enjoy together. Haha

2019 was my down moments so I wanted to somehow escape and so I wrote this up. Bear with me. 😌



I enjoyed every part of it! Selena is a mysterious figure that brings much excitement to the story. Antacio's journey through school is also equally interesting. Good to know I'm not the only one who imagines that trees talk :)

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