
Great to read! Please go to this link, fill in the details and pick a time for the interview.

I got started with the calender, then it asked for a Skype address, and suddenly I realized. . .this might be video rather than audio podcast. I don't have a webcam! Oh no!

BUT--as a sufferer of autoimmune disease who is FED UP with Big Pharma, your advocacy for legalization of hemp has made me a loyal supporter. I found you on Twitter and followed, as well--author name Diane Ryan.

No, it is an audio only interview.

The hemp idea is something I am slowly putting on the backburner so as to focus entirley on my personal brand and grow my online reputation.

Okay then. I'll submit the calendar, and we'll be in business. :-)

Sounds great! Look forward to it!

I see your interview slow, but you do not have a Skype address.
What do you suggest as an alternative?

All we need is voice chat?