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RE: Build barns and fucken squirrel that shit

in #finance2 years ago

I didn't squirrel that shit early on, but have in my later life and am still worth much more dead than alive right now. LOL.... If I die before I quit working, some folks are going to get a nice bonus !

I'm sorry again about your friend. Losing a great friend is never easy and even less easy if they take their own life. Somehow, for me, it is kind of hard to get my brain wrapped around that, being that I have not been in the "place" where that was a consideration.

I'm glad she has friends like you to help her through and super glad that the insurance will come through no matter the circumstances.

Saying or posting things does not change them, but for some reason, it does seem to help mentally, to get it out.


I think most don't do enough from a young enough age which puts pressure on later, but the smart ones learn.

It's not all about insurances for me as I tend to spread it around but life insurance can work well for many depending on their position and the families needs.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm mostly ok, but sometikes I get a bit down about it.