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RE: Build barns and fucken squirrel that shit

in #finance2 years ago

We too have taken out policies, younger generation cannot afford them as we did, most employers do not offer assistance as happened in previous times.

Benefit systems have fallen into pieces originally set up after war years, honoured by most and treated fairly, those days are gone. Medical and Pension Funds all are insurance based full of loop holes, lies and deceit.

Take out a Will most important, put money into savings you too can use on a rainy day some are inclusive of death policy if requested. Death policies (Funeral Plans) are a curse something to avoid like the plague here....

Be strong for both the family left behind and yourself! Men do cry it's healthy....


It's all pretty complicated these days, plotting the right course, and I think due to the difficulties and distractions so many people ignore it. A bad move in my estimation.

Fortunately I have a reasonable head for it and whilst I'm not rich, and may never be, I feel I've navigated a reasonable course.

It's been a hard year Joan. I don't say much on the blockchain, just snippets here and there, like in this post,but I'm truth I've been worn down. You know? I'm a tough dude though and will stand the hell up and keep operating; there's little choice.

Thanks for your message.

Always reading between the lines one can feel the emotional drain, some days I prefer to read and share when I hit a brick wall...

It has been on shit year, fan is facing this direction as well, one would think things slow down, they don't... from one thing to the next, hell are we still standing?

Never been rich still sleep comfortable at night, always made ends meet so grateful for always looking after the pennies as my Mom would say.

Certain policies one must have, each country different rules one has to throw caution to the wind with how things have changed..., once bitten twice shy!

Take care and keep smiling.

Take care and keep smiling is good advice. I'll work on both. 😀

🤗 TGIF have a good one if possible.

Friday is done for me Joan, the working day anyway. I'm busy crypto-trading trying to get a few things working nicely for me. :)

I hope you have a good weekend.

Settle in and enjoy trading, keeping busy helps 👍