5 Minute Free-write (My Experience So Far)

in #fiveminutefreewrite13 days ago (edited)

5 Minute Free-write.png

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When I first decided to attempt to do a five minute free write I thought it would be fairly easy. The only thing is, I am not a very practiced typist and I discovered that even at my fastest typing speed (which is mainly hunt and peck) I would not be able to make even two hundred words. Turns out to make 200 words I would need a typing speed of 40 words per minute. Jokes on me I guess.

I then decided to try and forgo the five minute timer and just write the 200 words but got caught up in trying to be overly descriptive, as is my habit. Sometimes I feel I can not be descriptive enough other times I want to be able to see in my minds eye what it is I am writing about.

I guess in the end I can see the effectiveness of the five minutes. It prevents one from thinking to much and just getting the words out.

Looks like I will be sticking with the timer and just write as much as I can and hopefully get better with time.

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