ADSactly Food - πŸ— A Traditional South African Braai πŸ—

in #food β€’ 6 years ago

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Hello Steem Fam! Today's food post explores the South African culture of the "braai". Here in SA we love to braai (barbeque), and over the weekend I attended a braai, so I took photos to document the process to share with you!

The word braai originates from the Dutch word braden, which means to roast. Pronounced like cry with a B, it's a truly South African term.


So, what makes a braai? A fire, of course. Good company, a few (okay, usually, a lot of) drinks, and of course, the MEAT.

Traditionally, boerewors (literal translation - farmer's sausage), and a chop of some sorts, either pork, beef, or more commonly lamb is braaied. Some people also like to braai chicken pieces and steaks. There is no end to what you can braai! Vegetarians also have some creative dishes, like stuffed butternuts, cheesy mushrooms and vegetarian sausages too.

A braai can be a casual get together on a Friday evening, or a large celebration of some sorts. A house warming braai, a graduation braai, a birthday braai, and my favourite, a Christmas braai.

The braai I attended this weekend was a large family celebration, with THREE types of meat (LOL!). There was half a lamb, a pig on a spit, and a Turkish style beef DΓΆner.



The Beef DΓΆner


Usually, in casual settings, one of the male guests will be appointed braaimaster, and he will be in charge of cooking all the meat to perfection. The female guests usually each bring a salad or side dish, and there is no shortage of food!


Some very traditional sides are potato salad, potato bake, coleslaw, green salads, and garlic breads, with loads of butter and garlic.

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My Asian Coleslaw, that I make for every braai I attend

A braai is the perfect get together, as unlike with a traditional dinner, where the host is in the kitchen, this style of gathering is perfect for everyone to crowd around the fire and chat a bit while the meat cooks. Many philosophical discussions have been had fireside.

A braai can literally take up all afternoon, and evening too. It is a truly South African tradition, that I will always love. I just couldn't imagine my life without a lekker braai!

Tell me about your traditional meals and routines? I'd love to hear all about them in the comments



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I'm drooling on top of the computer keyboard! I'm a unleashed carnivore. I love pork and lamb, and if they're flavored with lots of pepper and rosemary, I suck my fingers. In my country we also make a kind of braai, which we call barbecue, where you eat a lot of meat, drink a lot of alcohol and talk a lot among friends. But if there is a traditional dish they are the hallacas. Hallacas is a decembrino dish. It is a kind of cake stuffed with meat and wrapped in cambur leaves. The procedure is long, which requires time and the hands of many people. Some are in charge of making the stew of the meats, others of cutting the leaves and greasing them, others to spread the dough and thus each one has a job. While listening to Christmas music and drinking punch and cold beers. Although my country is going through a bad time, some people try not to lose this custom that is not only good for the stomach, but also good for the soul. Thank you so much for such a nice post, @princess !!!

Wow, this is extremely yummyπŸ˜‹, I know I haven't actually tasted it but from your reviews and wonderful photo's I could feel the warms on my belle. How I wish I was in South Africa, I would have given it a try.
Am a great lover of meat, like I don't actually joke with meat.
Here in Nigeria, we have what we the Igbos call "ofe onugbu" means bitter leaf soup. It's been made with bitter leaf but the leaf is been washed thoroughly so as to reduce the rate of its bitterness. Well, you know I'm not a cook but absolutely good in eating lol, so I wouldn't be able to tell you the steps in preparing it but trust me, it's one not to miss.

Well well... Haven read about the Braai i am begging to have an @adsactly braai where everyone will come together and discuss the how far and how well we have gone as a family.. @aggroed can become the Braaimaster while all the females can come along with other foods stuffs to make this year Adsactly-Christmas-Braai wonderful.

That being said, i want to acknowledge that i love this post, especially as it exposes a culture filled with love for one another, it is total different from the other cultures we have been reading up about.

We must have our own Adsactly braai, what do you guys think?

A post of a very pleasant basic information especially to the eyes and even, to taste, almost that to smell, @princessmewmew, that illustrates us of the gastronomic culture of South Africa. They look very juicy and delicious these meats to the fire, in that type of sybarite feast that must be a braai, striking name.
In Venezuela there is also something similar that we call "parrillada", which derives from certain practices of the Venezuelan plains (a region with the largest number of cattle), but which became customary in any house, at parties, weekends, etc. and other types of animal meat are added (in these times little is done due to the difficult economic situation experienced by the majority of the population); surely its characteristics were influenced by a certain influence of the Argentine "parrilla" (grill).
With that collective character, group (family, friends), in Venezuela, especially in its eastern part, the "sancocho" of fish is accustomed. A soup made from one (or several species of fish), which contains several tubers (potato, sweet potato, yucca, for example), pumpkin (auyama), with onion stew, garlic and chili; when you eat it you add lemon juice and some spicy sauce and it is usually accompanied by "arepa" (corn bread) or "casabe" (cake made from yucca flour). Thank you for your post, and @adsactly for your promotion. Greetings.

Much like grill in the U.S., braai (rhymes with broil) in South Africa is something likened to religion.

It's not just about what you braai, it's about how you braai, when you braai, where you braai and with whom you braai.

It's a get-together that assembles individuals around a fire to watch, smell and offer a supper. It's a place to eat, drink and recount stories for quite a long time.

drools I keep staring at that turning DΓΆner, round and round and round...

Posted using Partiko iOS

We braai at least once a week. The Husband loves lighting a fire. It's chicken, lamb, beef, pork. Whatever.... :D

Hello @adsactly, you can see that they enjoyed their Braai a lot, thanks for sharing, I'm going to organize one to share with the family ...

I want some braai.... 🀀 Yummy

Posted using Partiko iOS

It must taste so delicious :p

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow my lover foods

i read your blog this is nice

I'd advise all and any vegans not to see this post, it'd given them a heart attack. Especially beef doner!

I am so jealous of that doner cooker

Not only in South Africa, this food is also famous in other country like Philippine , Indonesia and so on. They also make barai with pork and sometimes use others meat. We make it with chicken and it's called here grill. It also too delicious. Sometimes we also made another food as dinner called bar b qu. Spice mixed with meat and then broil it with fire.

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Your meat will be cooked by the "braai ace," which is typically the host. When you arrive, ask where you should put your meat and drinks and inquire as to whether you can help with anything. You'll regularly be offered a beverage and afterward acquainted with whatever is left of the general population at the braai. The rugby might be on in which case ensure you know who's playing. Else, you can settle in, kick back and appreciate the experience like a nearby.

You double dipped here. I'm surprised. This is a spam comment as defined by @steemflagrewards and that is plenty good enough for me. Your students of the year gig is pretty fun. You are a known plagiarist and spammer.

Hey there , I am very shamful for your badful comments ..
Very shame just this is not copy paste and you not justify my activities.

Just bad your judgement ..

These days, a braai is basic practice for most South African family units and is dependably a social event (in spite of the fact that a braai for two can now and again make for a brilliant night out on the town and a braai for one is a great thing). The environment around a braai is regularly celebratory… birthday celebrations, commitment, graduations, national occasions are altogether celebrated yet the most genuine articulation of a braai is a festival of loved ones. It is a snapshot of social affair, sharing and adoring around the shoot with a beverage close by.

Another student of the year? How wonderful. This is a spam comment as defined by @steemflagrewards that is good enough for me.

A braai is the thing that Americans should seriously think about a grill; be that as it may, while most Americans utilize gas, power or charcoal to fuel the fire, South Africans quite often utilize wood (charcoal is once in a while thought about conning). Moreover, the development of the fire utilizing *wood is viewed as a genuine work of art. For the most part, the host of the braai is accountable for tending the fire and with that comes incredible duty. Visitors frequently drift around the braai with a glass of wine, a lager or in some cases even a schnaps and coke (otherwise called karate water) as the "braai ace" turns the meat on the barbecue.

Another shell account? I am surprised. This is a spam comment under the definition of @steemflagrewards and that's good enough for me.

To share the insider facts of a legitimate braai, we asked Reuben Riffel, a big name culinary expert in South Africa, Winemaker Marc Kent of Boekenhoutskloof Winery in Franschhoek, and a portion of their vintner pals from over the Cape Winelands to demonstrate to us how it's finished.

Summer in Cape Town implies a certain something: the smell of meat being cooked to flawlessness over sweltering coals drifting from the patio nurseries and open air regions of the city's occupants.

There's nothing more South African than a "braai" which is this present nation's variant of a grill and to be delighted in by family and companions in the bright outside. "Braai" is an indispensable piece of any local people vocabulary and is an imperative social occasion for any guest to the Cape to be very much aware of. We've assembled all the imperative foundation data about the "braai" so you can bounce directly into nearby culture without thinking twice.

Did you talk to Mr. Riffel yourself? Oh, I get it. It's another copy/paste spam comment as defined by @steemflagrewards. That's a good enough definition for me.

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse, @bigtom13.

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There are a few things that one has to know before coming to South Africa and encountering a customary braai. We've decoded the manners and desires for you underneath.

Most braais will be on an end of the week and begin in the late evening, around 3 or 4pm, and can here and there carry on into the early hours of the morning. An essential suggestion isn't to arrive eager as frequently you will find that you won't wind up eating until very late in the occasion (in spite of the fact that the tidbits will help).

A copy and paste comment? How gauche. @steemflagrewards doesn't like this garbage any better than I do. It's a Flag for you!

A braai frequently incorporates a wide range of kinds of meat arranged over an open wood fire. Cleaves, steaks, loins, poultry, boerewors (hotdogs) and sosaties (sticks) are staples, while along the drift fish assumes a noticeable job, from bubbled crawfish (prickly lobsters) to entire flame broiled or smoked fish, especially snoek, a sleek, cool water angle found around the Cape of Good Hope.

What's more, bear in mind the wine. South Africa's wide assortment of wines blends and matches consummately with the different dishes.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

You upvote your comment and not the post? For shame. I'm going to give you a flag under the convention of @steemflagrewards, a site dedicate to eradicating junk like this. Flagged for comment self vote violation @steemflagrewards

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

hello @bigtom13 his upvote is from a sniper @cheneats. If he did upvote his own comment abusively. We would leave this comment.

Flagged for comment self vote violation @steemflagrewards

Or something like that. The comment self vote violation is the category of abuse. Then you tag @steemflagrewards for the bot upvote. We try not to flag 0 rewards but we do warn and flag them if we find that they are a habitual abuser

Comment self-vote violation
Leaving a comment on a post and upvoting that comment while failing to upvote the post.

Lets check him out He is not bad I think you misunderstood the upvote he got.
You really should come by our discord server and see how our project works.

In this specific case the guy is also part of a ring that uses copy/paste comments that have been through a rewriter.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

If its just a spun comment and you know this guy is part of a group doing it. Bring what you know to our discord we will stop them. But I think we would call that spam.

Thanks for the help, @iamstan. Think I noticed at least one that he had self voted but this surely was not one of them.

I suspect at least one of their comments is spun but wasn't able to prove it with a quick Google search. May be a good candidate for more advanced tools.

You always give down vote my comments but I not copy paste my comment..
I not vote this post this is my mistake but next time I don't to get upvote in this post .
So please withdraw your plag..

You are a known spammer and plagiarist. We have been through this before. If I could double the flag for you I would.

This is my mistake I not Spam er or flagiarist..
So this is your mistaken..
You day by day flag my comments.

Just I am very astonishing..
Please indicate your source where my copy paste..
Just not good your judgement ..
I am bad for your aweful behavior..

"Braai" began in the old Dutch settlement of South Africa numerous years back. It is trusted that "braden" (to cook in Dutch) advanced after some time to make the word we utilize today. It is hard to locate the correct historical background as the Afrikaans dialect, the sister dialect of Dutch, on the grounds that isn't all around recorded.

Another delegated shell account? This is a spam comment as defined by @steemflagrewards. It's a flag for you.

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse, @bigtom13.

  • spam
    You are repetitively posting the same content or recyling contents after a period of time.

This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

A solicitation to a braai will frequently incorporate directions on what you are relied upon to bring and what will be given by the host or entertainer. In the event that the braai is known as a "slash 'n dop" it implies you are relied upon to bring your very own meat (hack) and your own drinks (dop). For this situation, the lady will give the sides, servings of mixed greens and obviously the fire and coals to flame broil your meat. In the event that you are welcome to a "bring and braai," that implies you are required to bring everything aside from the fire!

A braai can be set aside a few minutes and wherever; in any case, one particular day on South Africa's date-book is devoted particularly to the braai. September 24th in South Africa is authoritatively called Heritage Day yet is referred to casually as Braai Day. It is a festival of the social assorted variety of South Africa and is a binding together power in a nation as yet managing the common injury of its wild past.