
So. Mouth. Watering 😭. Seems like some really simple ingredients. I cannot wait to try this recipe out!

yeah these are super simple and yum!! !;)

Bookmark ! Something to try out. Looks simple enough for me to make 😃

hehe do it ;) pretty yummy!

Can someone make me a bot that ups every @allasyummyfood post? It would save me a lot of time and internal turmoil when I cant replicate any of the delicious recipes.

hahah there are bots! steem bots i think!! :P

Looks very yummy!!!!

if I could, I would eat them like this
giphy (2).gif

Perfect job! They look incredible

Damb they look tasty!

Yum, my children would love these! Thanks for sharing again.

Serious...I am hungry now...

Yum yum they look great.

I have a very similar recipe to this one using raspberries.

oooh will have to try with raspberries !

Just posted the recipe on my steem page. I'm mentioned your recipe there

Ok i want the recipe for these, or is it a trade secret hehe.

Ohhhhh whyyyyy did I look in here and look at this video when I knew it would be torture to my hunger. The worst part about it is that I can actually probably make these, and that scares me the most. That I will be making them a few times a week and inhaling all of them lol.

ooh these aren't so bad for you! they are very healthy! hahah

Hahahaha now dont you be an enabler because I will start eating a dozen of them per day because you told me they where healthy :P

I Love it friend. Lets sharing story and upvote

Great post!
I had a query. I am curremt running a fund raiser for a social cause. Please do check it on my profile if you wish to help.
Thanks anyways

I like no bake. Hot weather were I am. Into a cool treat.

yeah these are perfect!

Your Pretty in Pink macaroons look berry yummy!

Yum yum! So simple and it's berry season locally. Thanks!

Beautiful photos and they look so delicious! Resteeming

Alla, they look packed full of flavor. Interesting and unique recipe. I will have to make this one. I was just at the farmers market and saw some beautiful strawberries and raspberries. Great recipe.

Yum they look great.

This is new. No bake macaroons. Seems fairly easy to make and most of all it looks nice.

Dessert is the pleasure of all but especially of the children. A skilled chef knows all the delicious dessert recipes. Do you want to cook a chef or just to taste this dessert?

These look amazing! Added to the list of things to make!

thank you for sharing

Excellent publication. Upvoted !!! Check my posts and follow me please !! Greetings.

wow what a photography you have captured like always i just like it and please dont forget to visit @wicky

Yummy mouth watering.
Can you please make it for me?

thank you for sharing

Wow these are gorgeous, resteemed ♥♥♥

This is the first time I see macaroons in a totally different display...
Looks really decent. But I might need to look into different ingredients to do so. Hm...

yeah they are more like raw vegan version :)

Ah! That explains!

Awww they look like little pink pom-poms! I always enjoy macaroons and I think I'll enjoy these even more since they come with coconut and raspberry - yummy yummy! Thanks Alla!

I must go and try it :))

Hey Alla, are you on Steemspeak? will be down for a while, it's a good alternative.

ok will log on there!

its also down??? what is going on!!

It's up for me. I just logged in myself.

Yes , enjoyed the video.

These look tasty.
And easy to make too

It is great! With your amazing dishes on a diet can not sit down!))

😍😍😍 omg!!! I'm so excited to try this! Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️

Yummy!!! I want some right now!!!

Looks Yummy!

O-M-G these look absolutely amazing. Coconut and raspberry are 2 of my favorite things. I am for sure going to make these. Thanks so much for sharing.