
Very interesting... had no idea that grapefruit could badly interact with medications!

me neither til now.

Never knew such a harmless fruit could be so harmful when taken with OTC drugs. Also, Grapefruit has not necessarily been my favorite but has it's own healing properties .

I agree all around

I know for sure with the Anti-cholesterol medicines it just renders them useless. When I was on simvastatin for a short time, my pharmacist made sure I knew not to consume grapefruit in any form.

Nice reminder and definitely more interactions than I knew were there.

Thank you for sharing.

you are welcome and I'm glad I could remind you. :)
BTW: Oatmeal and Cheerios will do the same thing as that medicine
and no side effects, except being full.... :)

That I did find out. It's how I got off the medicine, besides a few other diet changes. Thankfully it was never really high. It just seemed stuck.

I ate oatmeal for 6 months (breakfast) and had my cholesterol checked, never knowing it was oatmeal,(the one food I never ever liked!) that had lowered my numbers from 210 down to 150. I still eat Cheerios (with fruit) and my numbers have been pretty good. Happy eating Tryskele! :)

I really like this post buddy67! keep up the good work!

I'm atryin' (ha!)

Me encanta todo lo cítrico..! XD

I love to drink these kind of juices. Thanks for the info. @buddy67

you are welcome....just don't drink or eat grapefruit juice if you are on any of those drugs.... :)