Food and Health Awareness | The Benefits Associated with Artichokes

in #food6 years ago

Artichokes are called "cardoons" in their natural form, and their scientific classification is Cynara cardunculus. They are inhabitants of the Mediterranean, which is why they play such an important role in their meals. Artichokes can be found throughout Europe, the Middle East and the United States, but rarely found in Asian countries.

Nutritional Aspects

Artichokes have low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol and are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins, including vitamin C, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-9, vitamin B-6, B-12, A, E, D, and vitamin K. They also provide minerals such as Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Sodium, and Phosphorus.

Health Benefits of Artichokes

Cancer Prevention

According to the US Department of Agriculture study, Artichoke has the highest level of antioxidant in all vegetables. Antioxidants are one of the main defenses against the effects of free radicals on the immune system. Free radicals are natural byproducts of cellular metabolism and can cause many dangerous diseases in the body.

Improves Heart Health

It has been found that certain components of its leaves can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL or omega-3 fatty acids) that improves heart health.

Regulated Blood Pressure

In the corresponding description, the artichoke is rich in potassium, which is the basic mineral that affects the various organs of the body. Potassium helps to neutralize the effects of excess sodium, which is known for high blood pressure.

Improves Liver Health

It has been shown that the two antioxidants found in artichokes, silymarin and cynarin improve the general health of the liver by reducing the presence of toxins and promoting their elimination from the liver and the body.

Hangover Cure

Artichokes quickly remove toxins from the blood. Therefore, these are the perfect hangover medicines. Some people have chosen to chew a few slices of artichoke after a night of drinking.


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It is also beneficial for diabetic patients.


good job ..
Fantastic important information from you, did well
Thanks for sharing

OK now I'm hungry, I want artichoke dip, a gyro and some tea.

Dragon fruit
indeed very many properties
and very good to make it

@cryptokraze Quite informative. Thanks for the share. 👍👍

Nicw post, mr @cryptokraze, i like it, you are awesome people, i have upvote and reblog your post, i hopefully you can do same to me, good luck

I have never really been a great fan of artichokes @cryptokraze but when you consider the nutritional value and benefits perhaps I should develop a liking for them lol. 👌

Thanks for sharing food

good for health@cryptokraze

Wow.. Love every piece of the article..thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing this article, but i don't like the taste of artichokes. :)

Thanks for the great work posted here. Keep it up.

Thank you for sharing! :) Upvote100%

I'm surprised that they have the highest levels of antioxidents. I love them but they are a lot of work to eat. I usually just pry out the heart and eat it. I have little patience for the bottom part of the petals.

though i cant get this in my area. its always nice to know new n useful things.


Wow! It's amazing how many health benefits artichokes have.. and it's good to know that there's an actual hangover cure out there & it's definitely one I haven't tried yet! Great post :)

I'd like you to read my post where I talk about roasted artichokes !!!

Has anyone noticed other countries pay way more attention to health compared to the US? It seems like Australia and New Zealand are always improving and companies who really value health are on the rise out there. In America...crickets. Anyone else notice this?