How to Make a Basil Gimlet - The Nerd Salon Drink #1

in #food7 years ago

Every month I throw a small get together at my home called, The Nerd Salon. As part of each event, guests bring either homemade food or the ingredients for a cocktail.

The cocktails they bring go on a menu and each guest makes the cocktail they brought for anyone who wants one.

One of the great things about hosting The Nerd Salon is that each month I practice making a different cocktail. This month the cocktail is a Basil Gimlet that I make with my own homegrown basil.

I thought it would be fun - each month - to share how each drink is made with the Steemit community.

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Basil Gimlet


4 Large Basil Leaves
1/2 Oz. Simple Syrup
3/4 Oz. Lime Juice (Fresh Squeezed)
1 1/2 Oz. Gin

Step 1: Choose 4 Large Basil Leaves.

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Step 2: Press 3 Basil Leaves in a cocktail Shaker.

Press lightly!

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Step 3: Add 1/2 Oz. Simple Syrup.

Buy it or make it yourself.

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Step 4: Add 3/4 Oz. Lime Juice.

Fresh Squeezed is better, but I've also made it with those little green bottles of lime juice.

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Step 5: Add 1 1/2 Oz. Gin.

For this specific drink, I used an Old Tom Gin.

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Step 6: Add Ice and Shake.

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Step 7: Strain

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Step 8: Add The Last Basil Leaf and Drink!

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Step 9: Enjoy!

This is the best step.


Thanks for Reading!


Do you have a cocktail recipe to share or an improvment?
Let me know


That looks awesome @decimus

I will try share some nice photo from here in Thailand on the drinks.

Hope it taste awesome. I would not say no to a taste.

Sunrise coming here and that one will be perfect for sleep.

please keep share, i will upvote your post

Also dont forget to follow me at @mrstaf

Best regards

Thanks -- I'll take a look at your posts!

Great quality photos and really well written. Now following you.

Super your recipe. It makes you want to try. Unfortunately I do not have the ingredients on hand. In any case very good your article. Good job

Thanks @izbing -- appreciate the kind words!

Nice bro looks like you have a bar in your home complete tools of bartender, soon am gonna share some drinks for you bro, I like to try this basil look nerd.

I love this! Let's steemit!

upvoted make sure follow me and upvote my post if you like

@nabendu - Fair warning, if you copy your post in a person's comments section looking for visibility, it's likely to get flagged! I encourage you to keep on Steeming but don't post irrelevant links looking for upvotes. Cheers!

Looks like a great tasting drink & healthy too!

Little basil fact: "Its a Immune System Booster! Basil contains apigenin, which is a bioflavonoid generally found in leafy plants and vegetables and contributes to a healthy immune system. Be sure to include basil in your diet, especially during the winter months."

basil leaf on white bg   Google Search.png