Avocado Toast Two Ways

in #food6 years ago


Avocado Toast . . .

The sound of it makes smile. Such a simple little treat yet heavenly delicious :)

The other day I was reading an article that said that because of millennials eating so much avocados people in Chile are experiencing water shortages. Apparently the demand is so high that they have to use most of their water supply to grow avocados instead of satisfying their basic needs. Luckily, my avocados are sourced from Mexico, so I can continue enjoying this nutty goodness and not feel bad about the growers.

So I was originally planning on submitting these toast recipes to the Steemit Sandwich Contest, but I forgot to make a validation sign in the process, so dumb! Guess, I am just going to post it as is. Better luck next time haha!



  • 2 slices of marble rye bread;
  • 1 avocado
  • 1-2 tablespoons cream cheese;
  • 1 poached egg;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • a few sprigs of cilantro;
  • a few cucumber slices;
  • 2 tablespoons roasted almonds (sliced);
  • flax seeds for garnish (optional);
  • sesame seeds for garnish (optional).


You can assemble these in any way you want. To make your toasts the way shown in the pictures you're going to need to toast the bread slices, evenly spread cream cheese on one of them, then add cilantro leaves, sliced avocado, salt, pepper and finish it off with roasted almonds. Garnish with sesame seeds and flax seeds.

For the second toast I skipped the cream cheese, but you can still add it if you please. Spread avocado slices and cucumber slices on the toast, add salt, pepper and your poached egg (can be substituted for a soft or hard boiled egg). Top it off with sesame seeds and flax seeds. There!


The images were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF - 50mm - F/1.8 lens.


looks great thanks

Brilliant photos! Just had dinner but could totally fit all these in too. Have you ever tried marmite/vegemite and avocado? The BEST combo.

Thank you :)

Actually, I am not familiar with marmite/vegemire, what are these?

Marmite is a traditional British food - a yeast extract spread...sounds weird but it's delicious. Vegemite is the Australian version. Try it with avocado and you'll thank me :)

Thank you for the recommendation, I will have to check this out haha

Definitely do! I'll be following you now :)

Oh nice, thank you very kindly :)

Perfectly @kotturinn! You gave me a good idea for Breakfast. heh, I'll make it tomorrow morning. In my family we often use avocado, but I liked the idea to combine avocado with poached egg. As always my thanks to you!

Thank you @madlenfox! I hope you like it that way, a soft boiled egg works just fine as well, if you'd like to try :). Let me know how it turned out!

Yeeeeeaaaah. A staple Aussie brekky...! Your shots are better though.. 20180524_123956.jpg

No, they're not, thank you though :)
Is that also an avocado toast, there's so much going on, I like it!

Its a bit blurry, thats what i meant about your photo being better. Yes.. avo on toast, with pesto and goats cheese and almond granola! A total feast!

That does sounds pretty amazing, I should try that once I make my own pesto haha

I love avocados, we used to live next door to a avocado/banana plantation and the farmer used to leave bags of them at our mail box all the time. Now they are so expensive to buy, and will often be watery instead of creamy, even half rotten. I miss my beautiful creamy avocados straight from the farm.
Your avocado toast looks delicious by the way.

That is super nice of the farmer, when I used to have a garden and had extra veggies and herbs I would pick them and give away to my neighbors and co-workers too.
So I assume avocados grow naturally in Australia? Ours come from Mexico, and they are pretty good, I don't think I've had a bad avocado here in the US so far.

Thats nice of you. Yes, avocados grow well here in Australia. But their prices in the last few years have gone up a lot, and some just aren't that good. But when you do get a good one, they are worth every cent😁

I got mine for $0.59 cents a piece at a local grocery store, it's very cheap, perhaps they're in season now, who knows haha

What! We pay around $3.00 each.

DAMN!!! That is crazy . . . I have never seen this price tag in the US, but this is how much they are in Crimea, give or take, also they're imported over there.

In my country avocados are cultivated here :) so I will love do this recipe, but waht are poached eggs?

Thank you! A poached egg is an egg cooked in simmering water. Here is a recipe:

The avocado is delicious, as in salads, in slices, in creams, it is simply incredible with an insurmountable flavor, I will copy your recipe to imitate it. Thanks for sharing ... I follow you.
I invite you to visit my profile, I would love to have your help. THANK YOU.

Exactly :) I love them, speaking of which I should probably get more haha

amazing shot, it certainly looks delicious! it reminded me an avocado arepa I ate for breakfast today.

Thank you! I have never had an arepa, but I've seen them in stores. Are you from Venezuela?

Absolutely LUSH! I'm drooling and great shots

Haha thank you @yasminep :D

Mmmm... Yummy! 😊

Thanks :D

Your food recipe is very nice and as well as your photographs and ......... your recipe I will try to make this meal.......

I hope you do make it and enjoy it :) thank you!

incredible menu, avocado and some eggs, I want to meraskan it, amazing @kotturinn

Thank you very kindly! Make some :D

thanks back comrade

Outstanding food recipe.looking yumm. Excellent photography...@kotturinn

Thanks @pariza! You should make some!

Avocado fruit is my favorite fruit, amazing tasty, let alone processed with other ingredients, want to try friends.

Awesome. I couldn't agree more! Avocados are amazing.

Processed avocado is very creative. It looks very delicious and healthy, it avocados contain many important nutrients for health, I often drink avocado juice, I really like
Thanks to share @kotturinn

Avocado juice? What is that?!


Comment removed

Avocado fruit much in my garden, Avocado can be regarded as an extraordinary fruit, because in addition to delicious taste, Avocado fruit also has many benefits for health purposes. I want a @kotturinn to my country, then go to my garden.

I'm so jealous! I wish I could have an avocado tree! I would be eating all the avocado toasts and guacamole in the world hahaha

Thank you!

Mrs @kotturinn, I wait for your arrival to my country, then we go to my avocado garden.

Eso parece delicioso. El aguacate es mi favorito. Conoces la arepa? con arepa debe quedar delicioso

Brilliant photography. Good post

Your photography is amazing !

Thank you :)

Delicious! I like you recipes!
I'll follow you, and I will be happy if you follow to my blog.
I hope we will be friends;)

Thank you, that's super nice of you :)

ну и шо ты думаешь)
я отведала авокадо на 31 году жизни))
такая гадость, мне вообще не понравилось, почему оно так популярно)
на вкус и цвет канеша, но я думала там вкусняха)

Может, ты его незрелое ела? Должно быть мягким, и само по себе его не едят надо с чем-то. Как ты ела?

мягкое было, ага, но я с чем-то и не стала пытаться, бо отрезала кусочек, а оно как непонятно что) безвкусное жирное месиво) я тож видела его всегда куда-то добавляют в соусы там или салаты, но я чего-то не рискнула портить салат))

Это хорошо, что мягкое. В следующий раз попробуй приготовить блюдо или посоли перед употреблением. Мне нравится с солью и соком лайма. Кстати, очень вкусный салат из абрикосов, авокадо и шпината.

блин, надо таки было салате попробовать)
еще раз испытаю))

Food health this friend


Good, I like very post you, and follow you

Thank you, that's nice of you! :)

Thank you again hopefully my dear friends

Hello how are you friend? I missed you hahaha your photos and your food had not seen this publication I came to see what had happened to you.

This looks very good I do not know but the egg when it is semi hard and the yolk is that way I like it a lot, it's like I like to eat the egg

Hey! I've been doing pretty good, just catching up with friends during the holiday weekend over here in the US, what about you?!
You should try making these avocado toasts, they are to die for :D