Roasted Red Pepper & Garlic Hummus

in #food6 years ago


Hummus is one of my favorite dips, I like it with veggies or chicken, pita bread, cracker cookies, I could probably even eat by itself!
Every time I buy some chickpeas I can't resist but make some hummus. Up until today I would only use dry chickpeas for my dip just because I always felt like reserving some extra chickpeas to make falafel later, this time around I was like, I am gonna use the canned ones, and to be completely honest with you guys, I think that canned chickpeas are the way to go, I still love hummus made of home cooked chickpeas, don't get me wrong, but there's something about the way they preserve the garbanzos in cans I guess? There's something about that I like :D.


  • 1 (450g) can chickpeas;
  • half of a roasted red bell pepper;
  • 4 roasted garlic cloves;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • half tea spoon ground coriander;
  • half teaspoon ground cumin;
  • a pinch of light chili powder;
  • 1 table spoon tahini paste;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil.


Ingredients for garnish:

  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • flax seeds;
  • roasted pumpkin seeds;
  • smoked paprika;
  • ground turmeric;
  • fresh cilantro (chopped).



Just like any dip I'd assume this one is extremely easy to make, place all of the ingredients into your food processor and pulse until they turn into a smooth paste.
Top with whatever garnish you please and enjoy! I had some Italian spice flat breads around, they worked :D!


The images were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF - 50mm - F/1.8 lens.


Love anything with roasted bell peppers... hummus sounds amazing! Bookmarked!

It's quite simple and looks delicious :) upvoted and follow

Thank you!

Looks really yammy. Thanks for the recipe!

I really thanks ful to you that you share recepie
I wanna to try it for making...

Cool, I hope you like it and thanks a lot :D

Mention not please... Still from after I'll always with you....

I really like your post friends and your post is very good I am glad to be able to join you thanks steemit friends good for sharing interesting things I can learn from you

Thank you haha

Wow. Excellent and yummy. Thanks for sharing this recipe

No problem, thanks for stopping by!

Welcome dear. Do check my banana peel tea post good for winter blues and insomnia etc 👌

Can I have some when anyone tries?

Sure :D

Thank you!

It looks amazingly yammy!

amazing looks really tasty thanks for giving us the ingredients

No problem! Thanks!

Gaahh hummus.... it's my favourite food of all foods... I could eat it all day every day... :D

I could too, thank you!

Looks tasty and I Love the colours You have decided to edit this images :D

Thank you, Sergio!

I edit all of my photos! :D

I have made my own also, and the can ones are softer because they are soaked longer and may have other crap in them like salt. I generally just soaked my garbanzos overnight, then changed the water and let them soak some more. I am glad you shared your post!

That is what I used to do, but I wanted to try the canned ones as well. Thanks!

Although it seems a simple recipe with simple ingredients, you made it look beautiful, you are an artist for the first time that I hear of this dish is interesting

Oh really? It is a Mediterranean dish, I believe, just smashed garbanzos with random things in it :D

Thank you so much!

If it is Mediterranean? I did not know soon I'm going to start mediterranean cooking classes in May I had to freeze the school

What do you mean by freezing school?

We were very little to attend the quarter, what we left unso went to another shift and I must wait for the next quarter to continue to enter with them, is that the cost of the school is high, everything is expensive here, even going to to retire from the cooking school but win the second place of a contest here in steemit and with that I was going to pay the school

Looks good as always ann, store bought hummus sucks and is full of chemicals. Yours looks fresh and on point good job. I will have to try it sometime.

That looks fantastic! Love hummus. I use it often as a dip, dressing, condiment and a spread on wraps.

Delicious recipe pumpkin seed is a good addition....

Good post)

that's what i wanna eat right now this is interesting

Looks hot and spicy ready to be served : )

Wow, this is one of the best food posts I’ve seen on steemit! The photography is stunning and the recipe looks to die for. I used to go to a hummus place that gave you a plate with roasted mushrooms to oh man I want those with this right meow! Thanks for sharing. See you around! @lilyraabe

Roasted mushrooms sounds amazing, I get those sometimes at Mexican restaurants on the side, delicious!

Thank you!

Delicious! I love hummus too; I never think to put seeds or nuts on it except pine nuts time I will add pumpkin seeds TOO! Thanks for that idea!!