Awesome Food On The Hive Blockchain " The Last Supper- A Delicious Salmon Sushi Menue "

in #food2 years ago

Hello, dear Hive Community


Eating Like God In Asia

Today is the last day of the 3 G Rules.
Thank God, this scam is over for now.
That means I'm going out for a delicious meal tomorrow.


In the meantime, I'll bridge the gap with another hammer sushi.
The restaurant I'm ordering from has over 5000 reviews and a 4.8 star rating.
I usually order my beloved Mango Bowl there.
Today, however, they have the salmon menu for me.


The small makis are with salmon skin and are salty and spicy.
Then we have the California Rolls filled with cream cheese, avocado and salmon and we have salmon and avocado, where the rice is coloured with beetroot.
You don't see that very often and it's the first time I've eaten it today.
It is also nice to see that there is enough ginger and wasabi.
Wasabi even so much that it would be enough for 3 sushi menus.
Usually, you put the wasabi in the soy sauce and then dip the sushi in it.


You have to be a little careful here because of the way the sushi is made. California rolls suck like Zewa paper and are very strongly seasoned.
So it is better to dip only very lightly.

The sushi was once again excellent and almost as expensive as a Mange Bowl.
It costs 11.90 euros compared to 11.30 euros for the bowl.


If you want to know what happens here tomorrow then you should

Follow @lichtblick


I haven't tasted any before but I guess they taste so good 😋

Yes, this food is no brainer.
With rice, salmon, avocado and creem chees dipped in a wasabi- soy sauce you can not make anything wrong.
Thanks for stepping by.

The many colors of the sushi make it most inviting. We used to have an Osaka restaurant here in the QCA pre scamdemic. I should see if they are still in business. Thanks so much for sharing.

This could be a look worth. I am glad that my Sushi has inspired you.
Thank you for the kind visit.

I don't know how l would manage with these kinds of food sincenl don't take in sugar. But they're so attractive and would look so delicious. Thanks for this dear @lichtblick

There is zero sugar in this food.
Rice, fish, veggies and a bit of cream cheese.
Thank you for visiting.

Oh good. Then this is certainly my style. I can't wait to join you for a launch.