in #food6 years ago (edited)

Rice and Beans, when eaten together, form a complete high fiber vegetarian protein? Beans and grains have a symbiotic relationship in which the amino acids of each complement one another to form a complete protein, which is the foundation for the growth and development in humans.
Rice is one of the few foods in the world which is entirely non-allergenic and gluten-free. Rice is a grain belonging to the grass family, and is consumed by nearly one-half the entire world population.

All beans are naturally low in fat, and provide an excellent source of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, protein, magnesium, essential B vitamins, iron & antioxidants. The high fiber contents can help naturally lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly, making them a wise choice for people with diabetes, and those with fat restricted diets. Eaten regularly, beans can provide protection against heart disease, cancer and aging.

Actually, what I took for dinner was Rice and Beans. (Rice and beans is actually my favorite food).They highpoint of it is that I prepared the food; people around me keep telling me that I'm such a great cook. As in, if you taste the food I cook, your life will not just be the same.

That's how one leprous woman passed by as I was cooking some times ago and guess what the aroma of the dish alone made her whole. I deserve an award🙄🙄

Now, what are the health benefits and advantages of rice and beans:

Rice and beans create a filling dish that’s low in fat and packed with complex carbohydrates. In addition, rice and black beans are high in protein and have at least 10 percent of 7 vitamins and minerals.
When you mix rice with black beans the result is not only high in protein, it also has all the amino acids, so you get complete protein. The beans also contribute most of the fiber, with the combined dish providing 7.8 grams, or 20 percent of men’s and 31 percent of women’s recommended daily intake. Beans are one of the best sources of soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and keeps blood sugar balanced.

Folate’s role in the metabolism of DNA and amino acids makes it essential for the development of new cells. In that role, sufficient folate is needed to make red blood cells, to prevent birth defects during the first few weeks of pregnancy and to support children’s growth spurts. Folate removes an amino acid called homocysteine from the blood by converting it into other beneficial substances. This may help your heart because high levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Research shows that One-half cup of white rice combined with one-half cup of black beans has 205 micrograms of folate, which is 51 percent of the recommended daily intake.

In addition to carrying oxygen, iron is part of hundreds of enzymes that have a variety of jobs, including energy production. Your immune system depends on iron for the normal growth of white blood cells that kill invading bacteria. The recommended daily intake for men is 8 milligrams throughout their adult life. Women need 18 milligrams until the age of 51, and then they only need 8 milligrams. You'll get 2.75 milligrams from one-half cup each of white rice and black beans.

》》 Magnesium
Magnesium has the ability to carry an electrical charge, which gives it an essential role in nerve stimulation and muscle contraction. Where calcium stimulates cardiovascular muscles to contract, magnesium makes them relax. Working together, they maintain your heart beat. Magnesium may also lower blood pressure by relaxing muscles in blood vessel walls, which lets blood circulate more easily. A serving of white rice and black beans provides 69 milligrams of magnesium, which gives men 16 percent and women 21 percent of their daily intake.
If you use brown rice instead of white rice, you’ll double the amount of magnesium, potassium and zinc, and add six times more fiber. Even though rice and black beans are quite nutritious, the dish lacks vitamins A and C. Adding tomato or sweet peppers adds about 10 to 20 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. If you include spinach or carrots you'll boost both vitamins A and C.

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