🌟 Home Made Falafel Recipe 🌟

in #food β€’ 6 years ago


Happy TOOSDAY Steemians! Hope you have started off your week with a bang? I'm back from my mini holiday (I went to visit my brother-in-law, @thedarksideshow in Howick, Kwa-Zulu Natal.)

I've always loved falafels very much, but have never made them for myself. Last night I had the craving, and looked up the recipe. Not too difficult, I thought. So - I bought the ingredients and tried it out. They were very tasty, crunchy and sooo filling. I served my falafel with a roti (I know it should be a pita, but they are so bready!), greek yoghurt, heaps of hummus and some baby tomatoes.


Falafel became so popular that McDonald's for a time served a "McFalafel" in its breakfast menu all over Egypt


I must say, it was super, SUPER easy to make, and I would definitely do it again.

Here's what I did:


  • Two Cans of Chickpeas
  • Half a cup of Coriander
  • Two t ground coriander
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • One Third Cup of Lemon Juice
  • One t Bicarbonate of Soda
  • salt
  • 1 T Olive oil


In a blender, add the chickpeas, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. Pulse until ground to a fine consistency.


Add the olive oil, lemon juice and bicarb. Pulse again.

Once done, create your chickpea patties and place in the freezer for at least half an hour before baking . I find that a tablespoon is enough for one falafel.


Uncooked Falafel

Preheat your oven to 200'C and bake the falafel for fifteen minutes. After that time has passed, flip and cook for a further ten mins.


Cooked Falafels



It was quite yum, I must say. I had the leftovers in a salad for lunch at work today, and they were just as great cold.

Let me know if you make these little gems.


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Thanks for the recipe, I like the falafel very much! Pd. The hummus looks awesome!!

Thank you! Glad you like the post c

That does look like a healthy summer meal. I have never eaten falafel but after reading your post I must try it. Keep on rolling out the yummy recipes!

If you all like this check my tender and tasty healthy iron and protein packed vegan burgers. Delicious and guilt free!
video here
full post here

Yes, you must try it, and make a post about it 😁😁😁

I just love falafels. Staple food here. Will give your recipe a try ;) Have a great day!

thanks, Amy! 🌸Chickpeas are part of my staple diet.

It's my first reply in steemit :)
Thanks for good contents.

I'm curious when you'll cook some for me

Hehe, thought you were coming to Cape Town today??

Sorry. I've missed the plane.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It look so good, i'm sure taste so delicious. its the first time i was able to see this kind of food in my life and right I wish i could taste one. would really make my day. thanks! rightnow i know how to cook one!

Oh wow. Where are you from then?

My favorite as a newbie vegan

Oh my gosh hi!!! I feel like its been forever since I’ve β€œseen” you !!! It is vegan without the yoghurt x see round


It look so good;)

Thank you very much! Nice to see new people xx

Thanks for the recipe. Love it. Will make some when I get the first chance.

Cool! Let me know how it goes 🀩

I congratulate you on you ability to make your first Falafel and more especially as it came out real good. And great thanks for your tantalizing photographs of mouth-watering Falafel.

Thank you. It’s my pleasure πŸ’œ

Wowwwww everything looks yummy yummy yummy. You really know how to set them plates to look delicious. Good job.

That’s so kind of you. I was happy with the outcome

I love a falafel. What's the red stuff is it chilli powder or paprika? I'm hoping chilli powder!

Smoked paprika. I forgot to list it in the ingredients. Oops!
Thanks for stopping by!


Ooo, I have never stuck that in before, I will definitely try it!

Wow.. I like your food.. This is nice food. Thank you

I’m saving this recipe and I’m curious about your witness project. How many people run the server?

Hi girl! So the witness is run by @adsactly, but it is hosted by @crowetic in the states. You can read all about the witness and what we stand for over here

If canned chickpeas not available.have I to boil chickpeas or not?

Yes! It’s actually better with cooked chickpeas than canned.

that recipe looks real easy and I havent had a good falafel for quite a while so Just bookmarked this for me to find this weekend and make some ;)

thanks for sharing

Awesome. Let me know how it goes!

I will do

I'm doing a 13 week diet on d.tube. I'm on day 2 and it's not good for me to be seeing this carb filled goodness. LOL God give me strength.

Oh tell me more? Are chickpeas carbs?

I also gave you a shout out and the end of my day 3 video. You've been so nice to me and everyone on here so it's just a small token of my appreciation.

haha! Ah that is so lovely! Thank you so much. Heading over to watch your vids now 😁

haha! Ah that is so lovely! Thank you so much. I had a look at day three, but didn't hear or see anything - perhaps I am watching the wrong vid. Don't you want to link me?

your kids are sooo cute!

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thank you so much. They get the cuteness from their mother: Yes it's video 3 at 9:30. I'm sooo sorry I do want to link you. I've added the links to the post and I'm going to do that on all my post from now on. I can't assume everyone sees that part of the vlog and I should have been linking it on my post.

I would say it's a good carb. :) Great for meals 2 and 3 of 6 daily meals. I really want to be a part of dtube daily. This is my second upload in a row! https://steemit.com/dtube/@gabbyg86/0ttl501i
I'm on a roll. HAHA

Ohhh my, these falafels look divine! Upvoted and resteemed β™₯

Great! Thank you so much!


Nicely done. I love falafel too. Lately, I haven't been cooking so much. I will try your recipe soon. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the recipe. I want to do it quickly. And delicious.

I never had one, but I'd love to try one some day

Yummy those look incredible! I love Middle-Eastern food!

oh me too. Tzatziki, hummus, lamb, anything, I'll nom it!

I like your recipe...can I have a some :P @princessmewmew

yummm! looks so good!! the power of chickpeas... turns into hummus or falafel

magical, right!

I love all kinds of vegan food. This looks so delicious :) Hummus and falafel can never go wrong :D

yez, gurl. I live on hummus. More than I should, for sure!

Hummus is the food of the gods :) Or something :D

hehe! totally! 🌸🌸