Homemade Chicken Nuggets

in #food29 days ago

Happy Wednesday!

Cold again today. It's a sign to bake something sweet, I guess 😅 Yep, I use every excuse I can get just to have sugar, Cookies, and crumbs 😅😁😅😁 I am naughty, I know.

I miss having apple tree in the backyard. I wish we still had ours, altho it was partially dead, I could still harvest for 3 years in a row. Tons of apple pies, it was nice. Rainy cold days always feel like the perfect time for apple pie, hmmmm 🤤

Alas, no. I'm too cheap to get a bag of apples from grocery store. It's 12.99 a bag! So, no apple pies no more....well unless if I was really craving for it, I guess 😅 For now, them apples are just for boys lunch bags 😁

Today's recipe is not sweets tho. I prepped some homemade chicken nuggets for freezer stock 😊


800 g ground chicken
2 carrots
8 tbsp flour
8 tbsp tapioca starch
1 tbsp chives
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tbsp + 1 tsp chicken bouillon powder
A pinch of ground white pepper
3 eggs

Sunflower oil as needed

Original bread crumbs as needed
1/4-1/2 c flour
1 tsp chicken bouillon powder
Water as needed

Mix everything in a bowl until completely combined



Grease a mold with sunflower oil
Dump mixture onto mold, spread nicely


Preheat steamer and steam chicken mixture for 30 mins


Cool to room temperature, slice into portions
Spread bread crumbs on a plate
Mix flour and bouillon powder with enough water


Dip steamed chicken portions in flour solution, then coat with breadcrumbs
Ready to use or freeze until ready to use


I air fried the nuggets, you can ovenbake them or even fry them in oil



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Because you cut them into rectangular prisms I did not register them as chicken XD They seem like very versatile nuggets :)

Next time i will use shaped cookie cutters, more fun 😉

That would be so much fun XD