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RE: Food of Mexico: chipotle, spicy staple of many Mexican dishes

Reading this got me hungry. About 20 years ago Mexican restaurants started opening up here in East Kentucky. Now there is at least one in pretty much every county. The one that came into my hometown changed the way I eat dramatically. I even sold hot peppers to them for a couple years. I have wondered though if the dishes we get are like an Americanized style of Mexican food, kind of the way our Chinese food is. I people offer things you can't get at oter restaurants. I always assumed it was because the owners were from a different region.


Never been to a Mexican restaurant in the US so I cant really say but I think the dishes might be a bit "customized" outside Mexico. There is only one way to find out - come to Mexico to see (and taste) for yourself :)) Btw what peppers do you grow?

I would like to visit Mexico for at least a month. I have no idea were to go though. I have a friend whose wife is Mexican and he loves it down there. I don't know were she's from, but she's appalled at the price avocados in the U.S.
The peppers I grew were jalapeno, habanero, and cayenne . I came in a couple days after dropping off the peppers, and ordered a dish called Chili Colorado. I can't be sure but I'm confident they loaded my meal down with some of the habanero as a joke. I was sweating while I ate. They keep looking over at me and grinning, and then the manager came over and gave me some tips on dealing with the heat. He brought me some salsa, and that worked pretty well.

Hahaha, that reminds of me struggling with the spiciness I when came here a year ago :)) I can handle it with ease now... in fact, I love it! :))

You made a good point with price of avocado. Actually not only avocados but most fruits... the prices here are ridiculous... you can have 1 kg of most tropical fruits (limes, pineapples, mangos, bananas) for literally 0.5 to 1 usd. You should really come ;)

I liked spicy then but I love it know. I've had to take breaks from hot sauce before.