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RE: How to Report a Dangerous Social Worker and knowing what to expect.

in #forced-adoption6 years ago

Another little crack in the we need provision for making complaints in the US.

Thanks for all the good info and I hope you folks in the UK keep on this monster! Reform is so badly needed and it won't happen unless there really is this surge of complaints to force accountability.

The fact that this has been published at all is encouraging, however, and being able to tip anonymously just as they have allowed people to do against parents may finally provide a taste of the medicine that's been dished out. What's good for the goose is most definitely good for the gander.

And until reform happens, children of abused parents are just as much at risk as those of innocent parents because if the social workers can't get their act together and focus on what they should, people who should be getting help won't be while they're busy hounding people who should be left alone.


You make some great additional points here, thank you. Not that anyone would see from the face of thing, but the UK is bubbling about this. They are trying their best to steer the issue in other directions(Tommy 'the fake' Robinson). If you want a good news source for the UK I would recommend watching the UKcolumn They have a daily news report and tell things how it really is.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment and support.