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RE: Free guitar lesson from wav-Dr.

in #free4 years ago

You share a great YouTube video and deserves some rewards, therefore I voted with my follow train. But please, can you re-Edit your post? Currently its a mess! YouTube can be embedded, and the image at the top has a lot of code around it. I recently learned Spotify can be embedded as well, but this only works for PeakD, not for, so I would keep that as a link indeed.


Thanks so much @qsounds I can't figure out how to get an image into Hive and the only way I got it to work was using funkyimg and adding the html code. This is my 1st hive post and it's definitely acting different than steemit but I will try and figure this out. Thanks again

I use and never have a problem. Markdown in the post is: ! [ ] (imageURL) thats it.... please remove all the space between the symbols :) And YouTube: just copy the embedded code from the YouTube share, or just the URL is also fine and paste that into your HIVE post :)

That said: I would use the Markdown option in the Editor, not the HTML option.