
Thanks for the trip! Very nice. Where is?

That's some great family fun and those memories will last a life time. Thanks for sharing this experience with us and for being an example to many of us of what can be done in the cryptospace. Have fun and enjoy the flow!

how you so rich grant?

what country is it?


Man that its beautiful out there where are yu may take my self & family

You have gorgeous children mate! :)

Nice shots of you and the fam! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!!
How is that Jamaican Brandy?? ;)

My man Craig stay turning up!!

Seems cool, your kids look just like small craigs aha!

I was thinking too, yes it was! craigs juniorssss .. nice adventure though in jamaica .

beautiful and adventurous.

Very cool!!

One word.....Adorable ......

Sweet, sweet Jamaica!!!! Rafting is peaceful and romatic. Enjoy the hell out of it!!!

I follow you every day, you really have dream life. I would love to have children too. Enjoy your family.

Great photos craig i really like the photo in the river

Is there pirhannas? Lol

Taking time out from the crypto world :),lovely family enjoy the break,i look forward to watching more of your you tube videos,its your fault im now into steem ha ha .:) but thanks bro oh i left you a upvote,would be great if you would follow me. @litcoinkid,Thanks again for the great youtube videos

the kid is having a blast

Yeah, bro) You are rapper ?

nothing else like nature ...

That's awesome Craig Great memories for your fam salute.

Awesome photos of your family outing !! Fantastic wish I there !! 👍👍👍

That raft ride looks like a lot of fun! Any predators in that water, like alligators/crocodiles?

so cute boy!

That looks so peaceful! Anyone fall in? I know I probably would, I can't seem to keep a canoe or kayak upright!

Beautiful family and great scenery. Living the life!

@craig-grant Your posts make me greedy but in a good way. When i see you having enjoying the luxuries of life, I see acumen, persistance and knowledge written all over them. Keep on posting and adding fuel to our ambition

amazinnng carig !
you are such a good soul..
beautiful family and you inpire us all , that is true word.. it sounds gay hehe