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RE: Freedom Tuesday, #57!

in #freedom3 years ago (edited)

I had a time when I joined in the justice struggles until I realised that no one had wronged me until then, but that I had, as so often, jumped on the many voices that complained loudly and cried foul. In fact, I once got carried away with a comment that one of those referred to as "whale" had not liked. I was a thorn in his side with my democratically naive suggestions. And indeed, I then dedicated a separate post to him, arguing with him long and wide. In other words, I had no respect for his influence and his voting power (but respected him enough to engage into a debate). Which flamed higher and lower and eventually went out.

We did not part ways in agreement, but remained - at least outwardly - at odds. I had thus done my part in the justice debate and henceforth I largely ignore it. Or look at it philosophically. For me, this is a great place to blog, I serve some of the bloggers here with extensive commentary and always press 100 per cent. On the road in the ether I have lost where I once autovoted, but it may also be that there are hardly any active users any more, as I have gone through a certain change from active to inactive bloggers, and now surround myself with something like a core, loosened up by spontaneous encounters and excursions into the unknown.

On the way I also met you, forgot you again and now found you again. I remember you as an excellent book tip giver and look forward to everything you recommend. Forever grateful for "And then there were none" :)

By and large, people are too impatient and they want to pull at the grass that grows all by itself when you enter the garden with joy and serenity. Things want to develop organically, but they don't if they "have to".

Taking on the big guys requires a certain art both in argumentation and in not starting a war or inciting others to do so. I don't bow to anyone just because they have more power or opportunity. I just stop talking to or about him directly at some point.


Before the one that I won't name took his leave, there was no arguing, only dying on the walls.

Now we have an actual chance at changing the 'consensus' by speaking out.
The hardfork is coming, I hope you start to build support for the changes you see necessary.

If you haven't joined the discords, please do so, and be a voice of reason there.

The promise we were sold all these years ago might just happen now that those most opposed to decentralization have gone.
Far less stake is trying to maintain their percentage of the whole.

Before the one that I won't name took his leave, there was no arguing, only dying on the walls.

What do you mean by that? I want to understand.

Now we have an actual chance at changing the 'consensus' by speaking out.
The hardfork is coming, I hope you start to build support for the changes you see necessary.

Support can be seen in many variant ways. I even would not know, to whom I should talk or address things, which I did not recently experience myself here on the Hive. I even am not certain about changes I want to see. Do I think downvoting is principally wrong? Yes, when it is mis-used in terms of not agreeing on a subject or else not coherent reasons (in my eyes). So I never downvote, only maybe once a year, like just recently when I got an ad on my blog from a hacked account, someone told me that this was the case and I went checking it and also did not receive an answer from that account.

Do I find circle voting and buying votes wrong? Yes, I do. Will that change? I got deep into that matter and was told that you cannot prevent it that people create multiple accounts and that you never will know who is who. I accepted this.

From what I think, my own support is worth something is, that I behave and maintain what I do here in my style and do not care so much about how much financial gain I may make. "Leading by my role model" is what I think I can do best. But I don't have all answers and I maybe wrong. Right now, the real world concerns me more.

I came here not for the promises, just out of curiosity. I never believed in those promises, to be honest. Why would anyone promise me something, who I never met, don't know in person, whom I do not know his true motives? Though I admit, I do have some benefits, not money-wise, but in terms of making contacts to people to which I may have never had the chance to speak.

I do support your view, though and may be someone to talk to... ?

Greetings to you.
