Ancient Mysteries, The Control Grid, Social Credits, & Finding Freedom

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

A recent interview on The Higherside Chats with Greg Carlwood.

There were a number topics covered, too numerous to name, and overall I found it to be a very relaxed and enjoyable conversation.
Please enjoy.


What an intro! TheHighersideChats' channel looks interesting too. I'm going to check him out.

THC is one of my personal favorites and one of the best podcasts out there!
I just found THC on Steemit, he's just figuring it out, let's help him get going :)


Greg Carlwood is a very decent individual. Intelligent, polite respectful, clear headed, a great conversationalist and all round cool guy. He talks about all sorts of stuff with a very open mind and I cannot fault him in any way.
very recommended

Many thanks for your comment :)

This was an exceptional interview @maxigan, thank you! You really outlined the dangers of the social credit system they have unveiled in China and want to usher in all across the globe.

Resteeming this, great stuff!

Many thanks my friend

Been listening to TheHighersideChats for a while. Really like the host, always leaving time for constructive conversations and respectful of his guests.

He goes on a few fringe subjects but I'm fine with speculation.

Thanks for posting.

Thanks for posting Max. Interesting intro song.

For folks looking for this show on the site
Max Igan | Ancient Mysteries, The Control Grid, Social Credits, & Finding Freedom - Mar 28, 2018

A few valuable resources from the interview:
Official web-project of the scientific direction new chronology:

Was there a 19th century mud flood in across Europe?

17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed:

The Quick 8: Eight Out-of-Place Artifacts:

Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens:

Usually everything is backwards to what it actually is.

Maybe we were "cast out" from below (inner earth) and we call that place "hell".

We are the only mammal that is totally unsuitable to its environment, we need clothes, heat or cooling. No other mammal is so unsuitable to their environment.

Maybe the entrance to "hell" is at the Antarctic .

Maybe we are really living the Truman show.

For sure there is more to this rock that we have been told.

If you watch the TV show (fiction) "BLACK MIRROR" there is episodes on the Social Credit System when it's worldwide and it's scary. Bad news is the Chinese it seems are loving it.

Most folk here on Steemit would be on the list for speaking bad of government. Even Crypto millionaires will be in same boat unless they have a private boat maybe, not sure if even a private jet will work.

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Always interesting to listen to Max in interviews about various topics.

One thing I was surprised to see recenty was Australian's ABC talking about the Chinese SCS.