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RE: Keeping a LOW Profile Lately...

in #freespeech3 years ago

First I couldn't do anything on ecency. Then shortly after I couldn't do anything on peakd. I kept getting errors, too. Mine were "auth" errors.

Got with Splatts, he walked me through authorities--it's under keys & permission. I had a shitload of authorized posting authorities. I went through and unauthorized each of them, even peakd and ecency until i had none. Signed out if everything signed back in on both of them and now everything works again.

Paying it something.. forward? I think that's it. 'Paying me' sounds too forward


Thanks for your 'input' brudda… I think the 'comment' I tried leaving on your photo spread was about how the scenes resembled ours here; a bit north of you and Pura.

My pleasure. Yeah that Foothills Parkway was impressive.

You up and running again? I'm able to post, comment, etc as normal and now I'm learning I'm not getting any of my replies on ecency.

Almost missed this one, they're showing up at peakd but not ecency.

Yes, I'm back on PeakD and so far, able to post, but still noticing weird shit going on.

Did you close out all your posting authorizations like I was saying? My end completely stopped on all fronts, I was unable to be active until I unauthorized them all.

No... I grew tired of needing to sign in fifty-thousand times...😵 so I just clicked that 'Logout' button.

@bashadow says the glitches were fixed by devs.

Show off.