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RE: Hive Sabotage by @pfunk the bully

in #freespeech2 years ago

He called me a scammer with downvotes on all my posts and the project I invest in and I should take a step back and a deep breathe... wrecking myself am I... interesting take.... I am not bullying and smearing several members of the Hive community just the Hivewatchers who bully whoever and whenever they want. No fuel thrown on everyone just a few hateful destructive types... I onboard to Hive daily and he is affecting that and more by not only downvoting yet his defamation of character.


Speaking of defamation of character. Have you seen your post? Where you smear nearly 1000 people for no good reason at all... ?

Someone called you names, so you go on full-blown cancel culture spree? And you deny it? When it's right there in front of everyone?

Troy. You're taking your credibility, and flushing it down the toilet. You've locked this behavior into a blockchain for all future generations to see. It's never going away. Your reputation is on the line.

Your behavior is irrational and lacks professionalism. You're not doing anything to improve your situation. Just digging a hole. That's why, yes, I do recommend you take a step back, chill, and do your best, when you're able.

You're not being at your best right now.

What I'm saying to you now is coming from a good place. Take it, or leave it. You're not my responsibility. If you remain in this condition then decide to leave, losing you is not a loss. This place is better off without this nonsense.

If you feel like holding this place hostage until your demands are met, again, this place would be better off without you.

I refuse to be pushed around. I've had enough of this shit.

Who are the 1000 I smear and how am I pushing you around? seems you agree with him to bully me off hive saying it is better off without me, several years of onboarding and he does what for Hive? you? if you have had enough feel free to stop replying with your idea of what I should do, not everyone is right, I have agreed with several others and maybe I should not have used the "lefty" language yet right now in our state of affairs this is how I see this group and if you see it as cancel culture lol so be it, have a nice day don't let anyone push you around, I too have had enough of this shit!

I don't think you're being bullied. I think a post got downvoted and you immediately overreacted. Started pushing people around, demanding they pull delegations, calling them names, getting in fights.

I watched the whole thing. Stumbled into it when you were telling someone to ignore everyone and go ahead with a project that wasn't going to work. Calling those who stepped in to help, "Bullies."

You got downvoted, you went to WTP's bullshit page. Latched onto his nonsense lies. And now here you are. Yes. Cancel culture. You're calling everyone racist, for no reason other than being duped by a bullshitter. Applying the same intellectually lazy and irrational logic when claiming I must be in support of bullying because I refuse to buy your bullshit.

You're just putting on a goddamn show. Throwing a hissy fit. The series of events is all on the blockchain. And now I wouldn't be surprised to see you get downvoted for smearing folks. Cause and effect.

Does AI write your posts? Some of them don't even make sense.


You are so full of shit your eyes are turning brown, I got downvoted multiple times not 1 post, so did the project I was also called a scammer, try and gather facts not just your asshole opinion.

You watched the whole thing yet know nothing... they tried to help by calling it and me a scam and with downvotes... yep I see your logic

I pulled 1 racist screen shot from his page, did you make that comment? why so offended?

Who am I smearing? sorry not wasting my time to go look at your posts crybaby

Bye yourself, feel free to not reply with more tears you are starting to look like the childish one here not me?... do you want that really... be the bigger person and walk away an asshole

ok i peaked and see you are in the circle jerk club with those I speak of... lol feeling guilty? your content really deserves the upvotes you get... geesh speak of yourself in the 3rd person and post ai art as your own eh

I'm only talking about recent events. No clue about what happened before. No I didn't make that comment. No, I'm not offended.

You've confused a few details with other, unrelated events. I was talking about this post, down at the bottom in the comments. I even responded long before all this occurred.

You took a defensive stance pretty fast. It's not me that's crying. This stuff doesn't even bother me. It's your problem. Not mine.

I'm glad you admitted to being duped by a bullshitter. I think you're just finding out you were duped so I get why you'd suddenly become so frustrated.

You're not intimidating. I'm not surprised to see you attempt to discredit me with your baseless accusations. I haven't published since summer. Probably posted 24 times in the past two years so your circle jerk club comment is just you being a bully and doesn't make sense. No my art isn't produced using AI. You're just full of shit trying to make me mad about something.

Oh and maybe it's worth mentioning, the member who downvoted you, the one you claim is bullying you, came here and explained, long ago.

Good luck solving your problems.