Hive Sabotage by @pfunk the bully

in #freespeech2 years ago (edited)

Consider helping me fight against defamation of character and bullying by adding your vote here for me, dynamicrypto

Regardless if you help or not, I will aggressively onboard to Hive while they bully and attempt to push projects off Hive to protect their little circle jerk of web developers claiming we are scamming everyone.

I am editing to apologize to you all for this(those I tagged), I was called a scammer and lost control so wrote this post yet would like to have some help combatting these types of bullies when their downvoting and name calling is uncalled for.

Screenshot (2572).png

Apparently after several years here I am now a scammer and out to destroy Hive from within while I onboard aggressively and promote projects... I work hard daily posting content to socials and sharing others content to bring more people to Hive and will not stop this practice regardless of pfunk false claims and bullying.

pfunk73 • 3 hours ago (Edited)
All that money you're scamming Hive users selling NFTs for vaporware and you care about losing $2.50 or so to a downvote? You're not good at scamming here, find another (more productive hopefully) profession.

That is all, I am now blogging about fixing the censorship on Hive before the Biden Administration (@pfunk and his blind downvote followers like @antisocialist) recruits all the crybaby lefties leaving twitter for censorship and protection of their little circle jerk of censored content.

Several witnesses did not jump onboard this project cause it is a scam and games are coming soon so my guess is these web devs and whale bullies are scared, it is understandable so get those downvotes in while you can... your control will slip away in time.

Apologies for the tag yet all of you vote for this bully so I felt I needed to reach out to you!

If you dislike free speech and encourage bullying and destructive behavior please keep your vote where it is and downvote me with this bully.


First of all, Mr. Green, thank you for your service. Because I am a veteran's daughter myself, I take time to recognize what you have done for the country we both live in, and also, because I have read your posts before, I take it that you have been serving Hive to the best of your ability.

That said, sir, you presented a great deal of emotion, but not evidence. Understand that I am declining to do as you wish because your method of persuasion is not sufficient. No amount of you implying that people will not do as you wish because they are racist or lefties or don't like free speech will move me, because I know who I am and that you do not determine who I am. I am not here to be manipulated, nor will I be collateral damage. If you have evidence to present, I will consider it since I am already here, but ALREADY, because of the ham-handed way you have drawn me and hundreds of others into this, you are not at an advantageous position. Bad tactics are a form of evidence all their own, sir -- not the best evidence, but since you served as a communications officer, surely you know how hard it is to overcome a badly handled first impression.

Well said. Kudos

Thank you ... wasn't trying to be in this, but since I was forced to be involved, I am here.

indeed I could have handled it better yet the proof is in my posts and psyberx where he has downvoted and called a scam in the past, it is on the blockchain and I can share more proof yet thought the recent many downvotes and his quote calling me a scammer might be enough. I do not attempt to manipulate anyone nor force anyone to do anything just a call to action... my methods are mine and as poorly as they are it is how I handled it, apologies I could not live up to your expectations

My expectations are not to be drawn into a fight, on any day, Mr. Green. But since I am here, I will do what I said I would and consider your evidence.

I did find your post about investments and Psyber X authored by kolus90. I do not have the expertise in blockchain of crypto games to doubt the validity of Psyber X, so I went to the PsyberX page to learn more about the project. Seems like things are moving along, and that Pfunk's votes are nowhere near big enough to stop anything vs. the dozens and in some cases hundreds of upvotes your posts and Psyber X posts are receiving. Now, you personally are picking up a few more downvotes from Pfunk ... but still not enough to overcome the dozens and sometimes hundreds of upvotes you also receive, and several times those downvotes from Pfunk were also worth zero. You have not received some $40-50 in rewards you might have in this last seven days, but you are still being read and seen and upvoted by a vast majority -- so, you are not being censored. None of the people that actually have power to blacklist you in terms of rewards are appearing as downvoters on your things -- I know people who have been blacklisted, and the downvotes who show up when that happens are not bothering you just yet. Pfunk has a vote weight twenty times yours, and does not like your content, but the blockchain does not lie: you are not being censored.

You invited me to this public fight. I have considered your evidence, as a professional investigator by trade once upon a time, and these are my public findings.

indeed all factual, he called me a scammer along with all these votes and I lost it... apologies just hard being spit in the face while I work hard onboarding for this chain daily

Apology accepted ... we all can lose it sometimes ... now, before hundreds of other people come in here not knowing what is going on and judging you by what is not your best public moment, would you consider removing all those tags to people that are not part of this fight? As I have gently demonstrated, inviting people to a fight who are not actually inclined to be your allies is not wise, because you do not know how people may react after being AS MAD AS ALL HECK WITH YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT about being dragged and tagged on a blockchain into a fight we know nothing about. The blockchain record is permanent ... but you do not have to make this unfortunate public moment easy to find by the world and let it become Hive's big intro to you and Psyber X.

Here is the thing I noticed: the project you are working on has a lot of support, and, as Richard Kinder, the founder of KinderMorgan and one of the richest men in the country once said when he was done wrong by the company that let him go (to its own destruction, not his), "The best revenge is living well." If Psyber X is all that you claim it to be, you know that you will be vindicated when it comes to fruition. There will always be people with differing opinions, but don't let that take you off mission. I'm not downplaying your sense of being disrespected, but because of who you are, I do know you must be too tough to derail yourself over $40-50 worth of downvotes and a contrary opinion.

Focus on your project's supporters -- there are dozens and even hundreds of them. Keep putting out what is true -- the supporters want to read it, and if you lose $5-6 per post, yes, that is infuriating but is actually not stopping anything. Nobody can stop you on Hive, not Pfunk, not President Biden, not anyone. Write for those who believe in your project; nobody can stop you. Nobody has to PAY YOU, but nobody can stop you. People can choose to mute you, but that just means they don't want to read you -- they can't stop anyone else from reading you. If you believe in Psyber X, JUST KEEP GOING. No one can stop you unless, say, you create a situation where a couple hundred angry people are as mad as heck with you for dragging them into a fight and downvote you into the ground -- but you know how to avoid that, right?

edited them out

Thank you kindly, sir ... I really appreciate and respect that. I wish you all the best with your projects and investments, and remember: just keep going. Not everyone is going to like what you are doing, but they can't stop you from doing it here on Hive. Just keep going, and when it all is said and done, the quality of the project will speak for itself.

This might come in handy:

Gave me dejavu of that project hope post full of comments I got about their scheme. You posted that there too. :p

Seems rather fitting for occasions like this.

That was quite a bit of that.

I'm sure it'll help everyone relax.

Got yourself in some "trouble"? Mind if I ask what's truly going on here...? The post lacks professionalism and just comes across as someone having a tantrum. Or it's bait. It will be difficult for me to take this seriously without actual details. I'm only here because I was tagged and I'm not sure why.

I'm missing details, too.
Seems to be a disagreement on rewards and/or how to finance his schemes, but I could be wrong.
I thought the dust on this thing had settled weeks ago when we discussed it the first time.

I had stumbled into that account at random recently and noticed they seemed rather agitated, aggressive, uttering mild nonsensical threats, and not really being honest about things. I responded and set the record straight but didn't get a response back.

I see a potential disagreement over a matter of $5 and I see some weird posts; the writing seems off. Not sure I have time to dig into this though. And the post above comes across as a clear attempt to misinform, since this is just a rebranded WTP meltdown, which turned out to be bunk.

WTPmeltdown, now the tantrum has a brand and we can seal it as meme for the future generations.

Wouldn't make sense to follow the footsteps of a proven failure. Could this just be a Halloween prank?

I'm pretty sure we are looking at a #steemicide.
It will blow over before long, I'd guess.
I'd be surprised if anything comes of it.
Just one more newb learning that no rewards are your's until day 7.
I'd advise making more friends and buying more hive, but I'm afraid it might be in vain.

just a newb... come from years blogging on steemit yet I am a newb... yup glad you are helping twist facts helping your pal out here, used to follow you for years... yet a newb cause not following anymore or?

Sorry to drag you back here, but what does WTP stand for?

I see. Thank you! What a mess I have just stumbled upon. WTP to my eye is Water Treatment Plant, so a potential Hive-specific meaning was intriguing. Have a nice day! :]

Also, Spanish Flea.

it is simple, pfunk says I am a scammer and downvotes me and a hive project that is too ambitious to succeed according to him. if bullying people off hive and censoring is ok with you so be it

Adding to the voice of reason nonameslefttouse is already doing, if they are accusing the project as a scam and being a vaporware, wouldn't the prudent response be to deliver the promise and let the markets decide for themselves if it was indeed a scam or not. It's great that you're coming up with projects built on top of Hive, that's a good thing in itself but it can't be helped if people be skeptic about projects on crypto.

all true yet I am an early investor and volunteer marketing help while launch has been stated by end of year since day 1, nothing has changed except a few upgrades and too ambitious for the web devs that think it is impossible to do so yell scammer and downvote... the markets are being sabotaged by his FUD and people lose all around, being constructive and commenting with some due diligence would be acceptable

as said above fighting each other is not the on HIVE we are a not such a big community and i believe there are ways to understand each other
even if you have been attacked , stay reasonable, stay focused on your project, stay patient and believe me time will reward you
a downvote doesn't mean anything at the end of the day when true value is present

Would you say your approach to handling your business matters here today proves you're not a scammer and you are in fact being bullied?

I am an investor in this project and have several years of blogging on this platform, have much of my information out there, am dox'd and yes certainly not a scammer yet think what you will it is a free world, keep your vote on someone attempting to destroy those bringing value to the chain, it is your choice, I am merely asking for help and not a novelist or "professional" that you want me to be so don't back me up it is ok with me

You called me here. Why?

Do you need help? Or did you just feel like shitting on everyone?

I have watched this three times now.

It's a great song.

I disagreed with the rewards on that specific PsyberX post advertising an NFT for a game that is still vaporware. After your toxic comment, whether you deleted it or not, I disagreed with your rewards. Toxicity doesn't bring value to Hive.

You're 39 years old. You haven't grown out of this crap, leaving this comment here and spamming my post too? Grow up.

What in the actual fuck?

Trolling or not, this type of racist bullshit just makes a man look like an ignorant fuck.. Christ. <_<

1 basically your complaint is... why do you get some downvotes? seriously I know users who have gotten such severe downvotes for no apparent reason that they even have to leave the platform and you just complain about getting a few cents off your post?

2 Biden? anti-socialist? you completely lost me with that, I don't care at all about anyone's political stance and much less in a decentralized web, the least I want to see in hive is something related to politics.

3 Did you seriously tag 1844 people to cry about downvotes? What an idle thing to do.

4 Yes, I would give you downvote as it was the worst wasted minute of my life, but that would be pandering to you and doing what you ask and that's not my thing.

P.S: In case you didn't know, downvotes are an important part of this ecosystem.

let's ignore the part where he called me a scammer and has called the project a scam as well as several months of this with downvotes, yet let's pretend it is all about 1 downvote.

I can see your ability to pay attention, and yes, I ignore the fact that they call you a scammer for the simple fact that you highlight that, I mean, what's the problem of being called a scammer if you are not?
Around here we say "He who owes nothing, fears nothing."

By the way, if you make a post, where you do not present evidence, you spam, you write less than 300 words you use an image that does not add value to the post, much less indicate the source, when people argue you come out phantom accounts to respond with insults among many other things more make me agree with those who give you downvotes.

I had never come across you or your project on the platform (Thank God) and come on the first interaction was not very good so tell me why should I trust someone who takes the kind of actions you are taking?

It is not my project just an early investor and to claim I come in with phantom accounts commenting is ridiculous. I do have 30-40 accounts yet none phantom and no secrets, & thank god you are not investing in an awesome project that others attempt to bully off of Hive cause of jealousy with unfounded claims. Where I am from you prove your claim of calling a person a scammer, no evidence needed it is on the blockchain plain to see in his comments. I already let it go yet here you are jumping on the bullies side attempting to bring more destruction to Hive instead of being constructive, you do you and I will do me and now you can jog on.

Can anyone, at all, tell you, you've screwed up... without being called a bully?

You revoked your victim card the moment you started taking shots at the crowd. And you're still shooting.

Dude. Stop digging holes. You're repeating the same mistake over and over.

If it's not a scam or if you didn't feel like you're taking a risk, you'd show signs of confidence, not this constant barrage of fragility you keep placing on display. Maybe you can't see it, but others can, so they're trying to tell you. That's meant to be helpful and you're beating it off with a stick.

Calm down dude. Focus on what's important.

You made false claims of me commenting on my own post with phantom accounts, is this telling me i screwed up? you should consider your own advice

I didn't say that. Someone else did.

Why are you accusing me? How can you be upset about false claims and make a false claim in the same breath?

Notice how you're digging a hole?

You got a downvote, you didnt like it.
I think your problem is between you and Pfunk.

Hive is only supposed to offer you free speech. The token distribution from the reward pool no one is entitled to. Its decided by the voters.

true it was him downvoting all my posts and the projects posts while calling us scammers and I lost it, apologies I should not ask for help and tag people and have removed the tags.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

putrid morons lol I am an early investor and Hive supporter yet guilt by association for helping an awesome project. Nice reputation... wonder why it is negative

The argument by some, if not most, notable curators is that free speech is not free if it is monetized. But I digress, our Hive content can not be deleted and is preserved despite downvotes. Which is cool!

99,9% of people online havent made 1 cent from their content, their engagement etc.
Monetization I do not consider in any way related to the free speech argument Hive relates to.
A 0 dollar post has its free speech guaranteed as much as the 1000 dollar one.

I understand the argument is all. Not trying to side with either side of it other than accepting that free speech isnt free. The argument is that free speech becomes tainted when incentives are in place ie sponsorships, curators, etc. for said content.

Don't tag everyone in these childish arguments, just because we follow a downvote trail, it's not going to help your cause, it just makes you look petty

edited the tags out by popular demand, apologies for being petty and childish.. I had no idea standing up to bullying was considered either of these things

Would you consider bothering people who have nothing to do with your argument a mature action? Trying to rally support instead of arguing your case with merit against those you actually have an issue with?

To me that’s something children do and your sarcastic tone in response only further proves it

the people tagged have witness votes for pfunk in which around half a dozen are not ok with bullying and removed their vote and some stand up for bullying... its ok you have your opinion and can keep calling me immature that is your choice, have a nice day

Neither pfunk nor antisocialist are bad folks. Rubbed shoulders with these guys for years and not had huge issues with em ever.

I get it from both sides here. Hopefully you guys can smooth this over.

It seems to me that we had this conversation not real long ago.
Didn't we decide that your time was better spent ignoring the small downvotes and spending your time growing your thing?

Are you having a good life buddy or are you struggling?

please keep the racism and death threats off my blog

downvoting my comments... even standing up against racism and death threats is not allowed here...

Don't tag spam

Will not do it again, called a scammer and bullied and I lost control for a bit there... apologies

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @ydaiznfts ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I did already have you added, but not klye, so I swapped pfunk for klye. I want to like funk, but his comments made the case.

Which comments? Were they the ones calling a person working for a person who has sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of tokens and NFTs for a game that is yet to exist and doesn't show any sign of existing any time soon a scammer? Because PsyberX smells like a scam, looks like a scam, and even quacks like one too. Anyone working for that, selling NFTs for a game that doesn't exist and probably won't ever, is complicit.

There seems to be some confusion in regards to @dynamicrypto and his role with psyberx. He authors some posts for them and promotes psyberx aggressively. He hasnt sold tens of thousands of any thing hive other than to buy second layer tokens for Hive projects.

He could had cashed out the over 8,000 Hive he had in his accounts last year when I told him that Hive forked and to check out all the Hive he had just sitting there. (He was too busy working and dealing with life and just didnt know). He could had cashed out and walked away with quite a bit during that bull run but got hyper active on Hive.

Troy has a great heart and means the best. I know him very well in real life as a Friend, coworker and even landlord. He only has good intentions and our west coast Las Vegas straight forward approach more often rubs people the wrong way esp when tone of voice is lacking.

Psyberx I feel does need to stay more focused on Hive, less focused on other chains and selling NFTs on other chains or here on Hive without a product. Heck, what lvl's use case is still unclear after a year and seems as if there is 0 exp or plan to manage the lvl market or provide a use case.

The promise was for a Battle royal multiplayer multiverse game where we can earn in real life. The Hive community poured money into that psyberx and Jboss refuses to be transparent with finances. I made a lot of ruckus over this. I just want transparency and respect for the Hive community so future projects can continue to be supported.

But yeah looking somewhat scammy aside from psyberx being a surface level dream project where Hive is funding a dude's college ambition to create a halo game.

Thanks for your reply. I was also confused at first because it's been a while since looking at PsyberX in depth. I said "person working for a person" in the above comment which could get skimmed over easily. I still stand by my point about complicity though. Promoting something that turns out to be a scam, when there is plenty of strong hints that it is, is complicity in that scam. Like anyone promoting ponzis like Bitconnect, etc.

You put PsyberX as "a surface level dream project where Hive is funding a dude's college ambition to create a halo game" very well. It seems clear enough to me that after his failure-to-launch Kickstarter campaign, Justin went looking for a community of suckers with magic internet money to fund him and found Hive. Starting with the LVL token with promises of NFT distribution, and then direct NFT sales. Almost everything is about selling them and while there is some "gameplay" or at least in-engine videos being presented, none of it looks like it's in any state to be released as a game worth playing within any reasonable timeframe.

I had no idea that NFTs on other networks were being sold. That sure doesn't increase my desire to do anything but downvote their posts and call it a value-draining scam for Hive. Even having said that, if a playable game was released and it was still Hive-based I would buy at least $100 worth of their NFTs. I want to be proven wrong about this. But I won't say nothing when there are so many hallmarks of a charlatan that we've all seen before.

Just like this post was an overreaction, my response to Troy's comment that he deleted after he left it was also out of scale, although on a high level I really don't think Hive should be distributing rewards out to a value-sucking scheme, if that's what PsyberX turns out to be. And based on almost a decade in the crypto world, it's reminiscent of schemes I've seen many times before.


Yeah, that

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @operahoser

remaining commands 5


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Thanks, I should have worded my post differently also yet facts remain you either add value to Hive or are destructive.

I am not out to make enemies among Hive. It's kind of a bad thing to do considering the globalists want most of us dead.

same here, just tired of being called names and bullied...

Fights I say, sucks man!!

Put a little more context on the the image you're using next time. The guy that cried about the downvotes deserved it for the tantrum he caused for months. Anyone who hasn't known the backstory will just take your word at face value if you don't bother explaining the events that led up to that point. The guy you're trying to deem a victim there accused people being pedos, harassed people/communities and calling strangers satanists. Reference to this post

Now I'm not really invested in this issue as I only knew what's going on after I was tagged. But if this is going to be the crusade you want, by all means go for it, it's your free speech.

Edit: I inserted the link to whom that message was addressed to before anyone takes it out of context that what I said represents Hivewatchers (it doesn't, it's a remark on the other guy who authored the post linked above). I'm not part of Hivewatchers team or even chum buddies with pfunk contrary to how this tantrum post came to be. So I don't know the drama with the mass tag until a second read.

Well, I agree that there is a lack of context, but I as someone who has no idea what happened before, upon receiving the notification that someone I have never interacted with on the platform tags me and a thousand other people in a post of about 150 words approx and begins by saying:

Consider helping me fight against defamation of character and bullying by adding your vote here for me, dynamicrypto

Sorry, it's not something I can trust.

what guy am I trying to deem a victim here? I said lefty and did not call anyone a paedo or satanist... sharing a screen shot of someone being racist from his post was all I did here and did not link or reference it... Hivewatchers bullies many off of Hive and tagged those voting for pfunks witness

sharing a screen shot of someone being racist from his post was all I did here and did not link or reference it

By doing so, you only shared one event in the story and leaving some of the context out how that even came to be. It's like 1 min clip where you only showed the 5 seconds just to make headlines.

Hivewatchers bullies many off of Hive and tagged those voting for pfunks witness

This is the part I'm not sure you're trying to be clear or intentionally misinforming people, regarding the image above? are you using it as proof of something Hivewatchers has been doing? or it's just a random user saying something to another user you clipped off out of context?

there are several bullied off of Hive I have attempted talking with them and they only bully anyone also coming for help. by sharing something racist regardless of additional context it is still a racist statement regardless of any additional context, sad part is the lefties think this is ok to do as long as they had a justified reason to be racist...

I guess we just can't see things the same way here. I'd be laughing if someone called me white/black, Caucasian, grown ass male, and helicopter even if when it's done with ill intentions because those stuff aren't exactly the things my culture is predisposed to be offended about. Maybe Western culture makes a big deal out of it. But hey, wishing you a nice day, take care man.

trying to turn the other cheek and be less reactive yet work very hard onboarding to Hive and being constructive to just feel like he is spitting in my face and I was raised to stand up to bullies not turn the other cheek...

There is a man throwing a tantrum above this comment.

Another victim of the crypto bearmarket

victim of defamation of character, bear market has me just working harder onboarding

Congratulations @dynamicrypto! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-10 - Winners List
Be ready for the 11th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - November 1st 2022

please don't involve me in your statement. I hope you can think maturely in writing your problem

yup I won't ask for help against bullying again, lesson learned and trying to be more mature thanks

Yo que tengo que ver con esto no entiendo porque la etiqueta 😠

disculpas, eliminé las etiquetas. Etiqueté a los que votaron por pfunk testigo en un llamado de ayuda para detener su intimidación eliminando los votos de los testigos.

Don't tag me in anything like this again thanks

removed them yet guess they still show up apologies

This was not a well thought out post. Whatever your cause was, I'm sure you've damaged it.

thanks for the comment, I was angered at being called a scammer and lost it for a bit...

I understand the anger, but it would be more wise to express it in ways that don't help the people you're angry with. At the very least, drop the post in the Rant, Complain, Talk community :D

Going to DV on principle on account of mass-tag spam to try and get people join in your drama

thanks, i ask for help with bully flaggers and you add a flag... I see you took your community account and also downvoted... wonderful person you are by the way I edited the tags out so claiming mass tags after the fact is just an excuse to be a bully

boohoo. Grownass man cries like a child

dumb community owner earns bully badge and shows true colors on the chain for all to see forever... grown woman bullies like a child

and adding some downvotes your way and when your community posts or comments get ready for some backlash for running and downvoting multiple posts ya snot nosed brat

Bring it on! You might find you bit off more than you want to chew

I got your back @nikv

I am going to try and be the adult, move past this, continue to be constructive and keep onboarding, do what you guys must and have fun out there.

Thanks 🤠

Obviously calling out pfunk and hivewatchers I do not fear the downvote just standing up to bullies, I am stopping and attempting to be professional now as this will not help Hive, so feel free to be destructive and help bully me I will carry on and be the grown up among us.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I am not sure why I was tagged here and what connection I have to all this...

apologies I removed the tags yet too late...

lol maybe best comment so far !PGM !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @baah.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @dynamicrypto

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


If there were any adm downvotes on your posts, they were not from us.
Other users have access to adm account including "pfunk" and they use it for downvoting.
Users sometimes get confused by this, thinking that the Hivewatchers downvoted them.

That's because of this message that someone put there a while ago:

We never engaged with your account. You never got a single downvote or comment from us. You were never reported to us for any abuse.

Do a little investigating before you post a comment. @adm didn't downvote shit.

It is irrelevant.
You have a delegation from adm so obviously this user went to see adm account and saw the Hivewatchers reference there.
Besides, on many occasions, you used adm account to downvote.

And you don’t? Lol

apologies, i have been to hivewatchers discord pleading for help for another and pushed out while watching this person get bullied in your discord. The others you have run off of this platform just added you to the firing line, I was wrong, will edit you out and this should have just been about pfunk who @adm delegates about half of his HIVE Power to help him bully and call people scammers. Now pfunk is bullying your comment with flag for no reason... he is protecting that HP for his bullying purposes

I don't remember when it was as we have many cases each day but I guess that we probably explained to you that we do not do proxy appeals and each appellant needs to appeal personally.
We probably also explained that we apply the same appeal rules to everyone with some appeals being more severe according to different factors.

indeed, this is what happened and the person would have quit Hive had I not insisted they keep asking nicely for you guys to guide his next steps, some of these folks have a very difficult time just learning how to run a respectable blog and follow the rules... I would appreciate your service if it had less bullies involved, the folks in discord are pretty rude along with that graphic I deleted from post looks like racism is ok if against Caucasians.

Hang out in the discords long enough and you may learn why so many of us are jaded.

I been here in Hive and in many discords for several years now, just lost it when called a scammer