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RE: Hive Sabotage by @pfunk the bully

in #freespeech2 years ago

I can see your ability to pay attention, and yes, I ignore the fact that they call you a scammer for the simple fact that you highlight that, I mean, what's the problem of being called a scammer if you are not?
Around here we say "He who owes nothing, fears nothing."

By the way, if you make a post, where you do not present evidence, you spam, you write less than 300 words you use an image that does not add value to the post, much less indicate the source, when people argue you come out phantom accounts to respond with insults among many other things more make me agree with those who give you downvotes.

I had never come across you or your project on the platform (Thank God) and come on the first interaction was not very good so tell me why should I trust someone who takes the kind of actions you are taking?


It is not my project just an early investor and to claim I come in with phantom accounts commenting is ridiculous. I do have 30-40 accounts yet none phantom and no secrets, & thank god you are not investing in an awesome project that others attempt to bully off of Hive cause of jealousy with unfounded claims. Where I am from you prove your claim of calling a person a scammer, no evidence needed it is on the blockchain plain to see in his comments. I already let it go yet here you are jumping on the bullies side attempting to bring more destruction to Hive instead of being constructive, you do you and I will do me and now you can jog on.

Can anyone, at all, tell you, you've screwed up... without being called a bully?

You revoked your victim card the moment you started taking shots at the crowd. And you're still shooting.

Dude. Stop digging holes. You're repeating the same mistake over and over.

If it's not a scam or if you didn't feel like you're taking a risk, you'd show signs of confidence, not this constant barrage of fragility you keep placing on display. Maybe you can't see it, but others can, so they're trying to tell you. That's meant to be helpful and you're beating it off with a stick.

Calm down dude. Focus on what's important.

You made false claims of me commenting on my own post with phantom accounts, is this telling me i screwed up? you should consider your own advice

I didn't say that. Someone else did.

Why are you accusing me? How can you be upset about false claims and make a false claim in the same breath?

Notice how you're digging a hole?