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RE: Pickle Sandwiches: 5-minute freewrite Day 1016 Prompt: Salty Peanut Butter

in #freewrite4 years ago

That's an interesting tidbit of info about mayonnaise! I suspect my tummy aches were from stress: I didn't like going to school. I didn't like standing in lines for everything, and eating in the cafeteria surrounded by messy children, and watching other children get in trouble for misbehaving in the classroom. I preferred to be at home.


I loved going to school. I was once a willing conformer. Not anymore!!!

Stress can sure make someone sick. I'm sorry school was so hard for you. Just imagine what any children going to school this fall will be experiencing. Now that we've made them ALL scared to death of each others breath, bodies, and stuff, and they'll have to act like prisoners to get through the day. I fear for the children.