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RE: Buy Steem, Power Up, Upvote Yourself, WIN!!!

in #fulltimefucktard6 years ago (edited)

That's what the witnesses are for. Nobody has elected you Project Manager for the steem blockchain. Instead of finding new ways of directing funds your way, perhaps you should consider educating your followers on which witnesses to vote for and why.

Development is not and should not be limited to witnesses. The same way it should not be limited to Steemit Inc.

Your recent downvotes to @heimindanger is what pushed me over the edge so don't act like you haven't been flagging people willy-nilly ...

@heimindanger is a pompous douche when presented with information about dtube voting favoritism, he chases someone off the platform by calling them a cunt, bitch, spy, greedy, and harassing her until she left. He called me a nazi and posted pictures of Hitler because I blacklisted Trevon James who has lost people millions and was abusing bots.

He continuously harasses me sending me creepy messages like he will find me in Fortnite and kill me when I streamed Fortnite. @heimindanger pisses off almost everyone who interacts with him if he is your poster boy for this fight... oh boy we are fucked.


Development is not and should not be limited to witnesses. The same way it should not be limited to Steemit Inc.

I agree, but also don't want Bernie, who can't even get his price-feed working on his witness to be in charge of some "development project." Not only does he want to redirect MORE steem his way, he wants to punish those that disagree with it. Just look at this ruckus he's causing for my dissent. He is not an example anyone should follow or promote.

@heimindanger has done much more for steem than narcissistic bernie

@berniesanders has arguably done more for Steem than you have. And the fact that you suggest that witness earnings are the main provider of funding for development makes me think you are fucking delusional.

You have several top 20 witnesses that don't do a fucking thing for development in any sense of the word, and I believe you removed your vote from me, one of the active developers.

Your words don't coorelate with your actions.

Starting a publicly visible account with transparency hardly qualifies as "redirecting MORE steem", quite the opposite in fact. Your ignorance as to what I've done here is starting to show, please, keep it up.

Regarding my price feed, it doesn't matter. My witness produces 1 block/hour. I've run a witness FAR longer than you've even been around. Good try though.

Let me remind you, you are the one who started with the flagging. I'm just following your lead. Now who is acting like a child? I've also suggested multiple times that we chat, you know how to get ahold of me.

I'm not going to stop doing what I am doing, however you want to use your stake is up to you, enjoy wasting it.

Also, you're the one who believes the earth is flat, not me.

Flat earth? I've noticed that younger people tend to be prone to these sorts of ideas. But because I've studied mathematics and physics, flat earth logic is a mental contortion that won't let my software work properly.

@stan has an excellent video on rocket science that pretty much proves to anyone willing not to stick their head in the flat earth, that the earth is not much different from Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, etc... We can see that they're round, why should the earth be any different given the universal laws apply the same everywhere?

Don't get fooled by marky's black list, he only does it to promote his bid bot.

Bid bots need zero promotion, there is more demand than supply. The blacklist costs me money as I turn down the best repeat customers. But by all means, continue to slander me.

Mother's hide your daughters, Hymendanger's coming.

You are a creepy troll. But also an ass.