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RE: Fulltimegeek Talks About The Responsibilities Of A Steem Witness

in #fulltimegeek6 years ago

I have no problem with people earning money. I don't mind $7000 salaries either, as long as they're worth it. And no, I don't think that all those witnesses are worth that amount. Some of them? Sure. All of them? No way.

The average salary in Sweden is $3746 per month. That's my perspective.


Average in Croatia is 600 USD.I must move to Sweden...

Maybe ... but also everyday life is much more expensive there ... :)

Top 20 makes $7k/month, and yes they are ALL worth it. They all do the max # of blocks, they earn it all. Server Costs are around $700/month (or more!) so 10% (or more) of the pay they receive. Now top 50 actually make a "profit" by most people's measure, and it takes at least top 80 (give or take) to "break even" and pay for your server costs. However, a lower slot has less hardware needs. At these steem prices, no one is getting rich. Think of steem witnesses as MINERS. They deserve to make a profit. If TPTB would deem that the top 100 all got the same # of block producing opportunities, lower hardware costs and a more spread out payout would make it easier on everyone. But they set it up for top 20. I project that in the future, if steem rises to around $10, that we will have many more blocks to spread around. I would love to see a distribution chart among the witnesses if our traffic rises by a factor of 10x or more. You know ppl will be clamoring to join SteemPeak and similar UI's...

I totally understand your point, but I still disagree. There are witnesses in the top 20 that I'd rather see at a different position. I know a handful of witnesses I'd rather put in the top 20 than some of the existing witnesses.

FTG for instance, belongs in the top 20 without a doubt, but that's just my opinion.

In my mind, that is a different point entirely, but I agree with that. Here's a couple of points:

  1. A witness' JOB ONE is to reliably produce blocks. One every MINUTE. (3 sec x 20 = 60 seconds, then it's your turn again!)
  2. We need to look at the witness reliability record to determine if they "belong"... Some T20 are less stellar than others!
  3. FTG is a great Steemian, for sure. I'm sure a LOT of that translates over to being a great witness, but if one cannot crank out the blocks at the 1 per Minute rate, then a lower spot is better.

There is a learning curve and it's for a good reason, one can learn the hardware and software on an "As Needed Basis" because pretty much until you get like top 50 it's not very hardware intensive. I'm backing FTG as well, we have a good common friend that speaks highly of him...
FTG may be a good Top20 but I know our witness is capable, 35 years in IT and also a crack developer, hard to beat combo. On the 0.20.4 patch, she was activated before 80% of the top 20 and running smoothly. I have one of the top blockchain people in Steem on my TEEM
(lol) But we have to PROVE IT. Stay Tuned!
