Hello Fellow Humans. What Do Y'all Want To Know?

in #fun6 years ago (edited)

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Interrogation Time

My whole life it seems I have always been interrogated. Not for anything bad but it's just that people always came to me for answers or advice. I'm used to being asked questions now and at this point I embrace it. Most of you know I am always open to taking questions but I specifically wanted to make this post A.M.A (ask me anything) style. So go ahead and bring out your best questions for me.

Question Criteria:

  • Ask me anything but not everything
  • Keep it respectful and clean
  • Also think of questions outside the box
  • Ask as many questions as you would like

The top 5 people with the most interesting, funny, thoughtful or great question(s) will receive 2 SBD each + 50% upvote on the question(s).

Lately I've been posting more deep and thoughtful posts which I love to do but I wanted to take a break from it for just a while. Hopefully this will be a fun and an interesting experiment. Thanks everyone for all your support and always trying to encourage me. Shalom.

Do you like being asked questions?

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@humanearl, That's pretty interesting contest as you arranged here. I have lot of questions ask from you. But I don't like tired you coz you're busy with this contest. I believe lucky number is seven. So I decided ask from you seven questions and hope to be good response from you.

Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

What’s your philosophy in life?

Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

What do you think when steem price gain over $10?

If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?

I think I asked you my selection of questions. Thank you for organized awesome contest. Good luck everyone. Hope to being winner here. :D
Stay Blessed.

Good questions.

  1. It's sometimes a very thin line.
  2. I would remove evil.
  3. A new and better world is coming so look forward to it.
  4. Fail
  5. Money
  6. Soon and steem could be $100 by early next year.
  7. Yes you can be happy without money. But money does help alleviate some issues.

Let's make this interesting. I know you're trying to shift away form the thoughtful posts for a bit but I couldn't help myself. Here it goes.

Fulfillment plays a huge role in one's life and it's different for every single person. Some get fulfillment out of their jobs, some by helping the less fortunate, some by becoming a complete person on all aspects in life. The list goes on and on

Do you think you know how you get fulfillment out of your life? And if so what would you do different in the past in order to live a more fulfilling and rewarding life?


Wow. Love it. For me nothing else in this world can bring me ultimate fulfillment. I do not want partial fulfillment. So for me I look to Yahweh otherwise known as God for this ultimate fulfillment. The biblical worldview present a God who is the only thing/one to fulfill human life. It is a very cohesive and compelling worldview for me.

What would I do in the past? I would've not gone to college and instead I would've started a business. Also I would not have sold my Bitshares due to the fact that at the height of the price it would've been worth 900k which would've allowed my family loads of freedom.

It's great that you've found your source of fulfillment in Yaweh. I like the idea that nothing on this earth will lead to absolute fulfillment but we should look beyond. And that's a lesson I will take from your comment.

I would also be more patient if I could do things over. I also lost out on 60k if I held my original amount of raiblocks (now nano).

You just have one of those personalities that people feel comfortable approaching you.

  • What do you think of gold/silver as investment vehicles in the current economic climate?
  • What crypto will have the greatest gains from now until the end of 2018?
  • What crypto will become the first widely-adopted payment method for the masses (i.e. I have my SBD card in my wallet)?
  • What is the least healthy food that we can eat nowadays?
  • Healthiest food we can eat? (and do you eat it?)
  • Dream vehicle if you could get anything?
  • Favorite vacation spot?

My wife has told me the same thing.

As to your questions:

  1. I used to invest in silver bullion but I sold some years ago. However I am not familar enough with the gold and silver markets to say if it's a good investment right now or not. I've only heard many say they are solid investments during economic downturn.

  2. It depends on if you mean percentage wise or dollar wise. Percentage wise I have no clue. But dollar wise I'll guess a few that will boom. EOS, Steem

  3. The first? Idk. But the most important factor is speed and reliability. The fastest and one of the most proven I know of is steem but that doesn't mean it will be the first. Bitcoin has major scaling issues right now but is still seen as the default.

  4. Fast food.

  5. Plant based. Go vegan or vegetarian. I eat some vegan but mostly vegetarian.

  6. Give me a Cadillac any day. A cts-v will do just fine.

  7. Jamaica

Loved those.

Thanks for sharing, man! It was fun getting to know you a bit more. Hope you're doing well!

how will you tackle financial problems if not on steemit want to know because if steemit is not there then what will be your roadmap because we are all on the same path right now we never know the future :) i hope that's not a bad question

I am currently thinking of other business ideas to continue growing financially. I know there's a chance Steemit won't always be here so I have to find other sources of income as well.

Great question though.

Great post the question I’m going to ask is simple yet powerful I think

[if you were me right now but you knew everything you know as a successful steemian what would you do differently?]

I'm not sure if you already do these things but I would pay attention to the actions on steemit that bring me the most money.

I would interact as much as possible on other people's pages.

I would post 4 times a day although I would not blog each of those 4 times if I had the time.

I was kind of busy life and stuff but yeah you are right commenting on others peoples post does work. Thank you great sage :D for everything

This is a good idea, so I do have a question!
I am personally in a serious trouble at the moment! My workplace is planning to shut down on 31st of December, 2018 (End of this year)
My wife also a house wife and having a son!
I have a decent amount of income via STEEM too! But I have no confidence to face the future with STEEM only! And also I also feel "ENOUGH JOBS" :/
I have 8 more months to take a right decision, personally I am an IT guy and having few degrees as well! But I am tired by doing this sh!tful jobs :/ Very stressful!
Hope to hear your answer about this situation!


Wow that's alot of changes coming up pretty fast. I understand about the crappy jobs. If you want to work more on Steemit then consider taking a part time job in order to work more on Steemit.

I would invest any extra money into steem. Steem is likely to rise this year and could be worth much more by the end of the year. That way when your job ends you may have a good bit saved up from your steem investment.

Thank you friend! I also thinking about invest more in STEEM! I think this is the place that I could earn my financial freedom!


It will be worth it!

Owk this is really gonna be cool....now is the time I get to know my pal better. Lolzzz


  1. Sorry if this question sounds silly but u was teasing a friend (@samal) one day and told him that at his age he hadn't gotten married while his mates are already married with kids. I told him that you are only 25 years old with a wife and a kid (was kidding though) but hewas shocked and doubted all the way saying it's a massive lie. I kept laughing but now I am curious. Do you mind telling us how old you are?

  2. If you were to go back in time, what is that one thing you would love to change about your self.

  3. What's you vest colour, food and football club?

  4. If you are given two options, to either die now and go to heaven or live an extra 70 years and be uncertain about where you will end up...which would you choose?

  5. How many countries have you visited and which 3 counties would you love to visit the most?

  6. What's you take on sex before marriage?

Wish I could go on but lemme stop here and wish you make more posts like this from time to time...

Your first question- One of humanearl's past post brought about that very conversation: The dash between birth and death! You now remember @sistem?
A person born on the year on the photograph below should now be 25years old, so I just couldn't believe what I saw on the photo as true.

Hehehe cool you dug this up...makes it easier for him to understand what led to the convo. Lol

That's how we roll brother.

  1. 24
  2. I would've not worked so hard to the point of burnout.
  3. Favorite colors: Desert Orange and sky blue, Favorite food: pizza, Football club: I like soccer but I don't have a favorite club
  4. Lol. Die now and go to heaven.
  5. I have visited 2 countries outside of the U.S. I would love to visit Jamaica again, Germany, and I want to go to Africa but not sure which country. I would love to visit the southern part of Africa though. Like Namibia, Botswana,
  6. It's better to wait until you're married. It doesn't complicate the relationship.

What!!! I find it hard believing this, HumanEarl is just 20+4 ????

I guess this is just for fun, so I won't be throwing serious question at you. So here goes...

-What did you screw up, but no one ever found out it was you?

-What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?

-What are those things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

-What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?

-What is the dumbest way you got yourself injured?

-What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

-What super power would you love to possess?

-If had a free pass to do whatever you want for 10 mins, what would that be?

-Finally, where I come from if someone carries your kind of hair, people will he asking if the person is into music.
So what's with the hair dude? Dropping a raggae album soon? Lol

I'm a huge fan of your dreads though!

  1. I can't recall.
  2. Jesus
  3. It may be a backhanded compliment
  4. toe
  5. I broke my ankle running up the stairs
  6. I have no idea
  7. Invisibility
  8. Drive the fastest cars in the world.
  9. I do love reggae but I just love the hairstyle. I've been growing it for over 7 years.

These were great and interesting questions.

Jesus the perfect celebrity...no doubt!

Your post is really an out of the box one;)
It's an excellent opportunity for us to know more about you.

What is your niche?

Tell us about places you wanna visit in your life time?

From where (other than innerself) you get inspiration and motivation?

What irritates you the most?

What is your strength and weakness (one each)?

My niche: I am here to encourage and inspire others to follow the creator of the universe. If that helps.
Places I want to visit: Jamaica, Germany and some countries in Africa.
Inspiration and motivation: Nature, other people's journey and thoughts.
What irritates me the most? Plant's in the house.
Strength: I am not a quitter.
Weakness: I am often too hard on myself

Great list of questions!

Thank you.

I stay esoteric:

Do you believe that we can change our reality with our thoughts and that we can tap into the truth of everything that has happened before and is happening now in order to become much more powerful beings than most humans believe currently - and if so, how can we achieve that?

To an extent yes we can change our reality by making manifest our thoughts. But we are still finite and limited. As far as tapping into the truth of everything we can't truyl know everything due to our finite nature but we can however understand some of life's most interesting questions like meaning and purpose.

How do we become more powerful beings? I only know of One who can give us that kind of power.

Wow wow wow...!!!!
This is thoughtful of you, @humanearl... question question question time!!!
Well, I have got a few questions for you:

  • Since you got married, have you ever had extra-marital affair(s) or do you have tendency of doing such?
  • Do you go clubbing with friends?
  • You ever drank to stupor?

I really do anticipate your answers...

  1. Never and I have no desires to be in a relationship with anyone other than my wife.
  2. I don't like clubs or parties.
  3. I drink occasionally and I have only gotten drunk about 3 times.

Thanks for your answers to my questions.
I skipped a question: What's your real name @humanearl?

Interesting post @ humanearl,
Question from me:
We live in this world as a free, happy human being and with all the pleasures of the world, will we die when we are going to get like happiness in the world?

The second question is, I live in the area of the poor, when others come to you for help while you are starving, what should you do to please those who seek help?

Life after death will either be with God or separated from him. Being with God will make happiness on Earth look like child's play. Be with God. Follow Jesus. Great question.

Helping others sometimes requires us to give even when we have nothing. This is very difficult but it is better to sacrifice for others. I am still working on this myself.

thanks @humanearl has made this contest,
questions from me:

Do you care what other people think about you?

There is a number of theories, ranging from the word that life forms on Earth from the bacteria involved in mutual relations (symbiotic mutualism) to the theory that life comes from the flow of heat waves penetrating the Earth's crust.
his questions How and where did life on Earth begin?

No but I am also empathetic towards the concerns of others.

In the beginning God created the universe and life. Read the creation story in Genesis. Now where did it all start? I have no clue.

Have you ever watched a movie, documentary, or TV show and been motivated by what you watched enough to take real world actions ?

For example, I watched the documentary King of Kong, about a guy trying to beat the world record score of the arcade game Donkey Kong...and I became obsessed with trying to beat the score myself.

Has that ever happened to you, and we’re you successful?

Yes I remember watching Forks Over Knives and going vegetarian.

I am still vegetarian after more than 3 years.

I've been balding since i was 18, so my question to you is:
Can you cut your hair and send it to me so i can make a wig out of it xD?
But now for real, how do you do those dreadlock(i think that's what they are called)? you could do a video showing it :)


Can you cut your hair and send it to me so i can make a wig out of it xD?

HAHA, what the fuck mate.

Haha. No way. I have been growing my locs for over 7 years now. Basically my hair started in an afro then I got my hair twisted like this. (No this is not me)

Then I just let my hair grow and so what you see now started from those small twists. (Me of course)

Damn, 7 years can be ruined with one pair of scissors xD
Meanwhile, my hair keeps leaving me, i think my hair is scared of all the gains i'm making in the gym xD They are migrating to the sinkhole

Whats your favourite book or movie and why?

Favorite book (other than the Bible):
This book literally changed my life. I was burned out and this gave me the tools to start recovering.

Favorite movie:
I love the feel of this movie. I love the dynamic between family and business in this movie.

Cool, i just found some free stuff on youtube from charlie hoehn and i will definitly check this out.

The godfather is a classic and i also like it much. Thinking of

"dynamic between family and business in this movie."

I remember the series Sopranos, which you also will enjoy when you like godfather ;)

Hi @humanearl . A good contest. Here are my questions:

- If you had a chance to change something in life, what would you choose?

- How would you like to spend the last day of your life?

- What would you do if you could be invisible or a woman all day long?

- Your most difficult moment in your life. How did you deal with it?

I would go back and hold on to all my Bitshares that eventually would have been worth 900k

I would love to spend the last day of my life on a mountain somewhere in Africa.

If I were invisible I would go and help people in some way.

The most difficult time in my life was when I was severely burned out. I read a book called Play It Away and I took the steps to reclaim my life. I started exercising again, reading, praying more, getting out in nature more, relaxing more.

Who is your favorite MMA fighter and why? I'm also curious to know if you're into any other sports? I'm only really into MMA, but I enjoy some others. Great idea for a post man, you should try and do something like this regularly.

I don't have a favorite since I don't keep up with MMA too much But I do like DC. He is very crafty.

I basically only keep up with the NBA.

You think I should do this more often? I'll definitely think about it. It would give me another post idea. Maybe I can have people ask me questions based on certain themes as well what do you think?

DC is actually one of my favorite active fighters man.

You should 100% do this more often, maybe once a week, or month, could be a fun little series. It gives people a great chance to get to know you :D

I have a set of questions I ask people I hardly know.
Do you keep a Dream diary?
What would you be in a circus?
What animal would you like to be?
Who were you in your previous life?
Can you do something like wiggle your ears or touch your nose with your tongue?
Do you send telepathies to your cat?
Can you tell me your telephone number backwards?
If you had three legs, how would you walk? (do it with fingers)
a) Lifting one leg permanently and just walking with two
b) Using the centre leg as one, and the two side legs as one
c) Using all three in sequence

I then state that this is a psychological problem, and it will divulge your character.

Depending who the person is, I make up a suitable answer.
Whatever answer I give, it is always right.

(or at least they tell me so, though sometimes with a sideways glance)

No dream diary.
I would not like to be in a circus.
Either an eagle or a lion
I didn't have a previous life.
Lol. I can't do any of that.
No I am not telepathic.
What's a phone number?
I would use all three legs in sequence.

Interesting list.

Not asking about lies of which harm or cheat others. But do you have a memory of a lie that made the listener accept the request?

For example, when I was in college, I had little fever, but I claimed it as I had 102 degree F fever. And I got the leave sanctioned immediately. The skill here is what if I said 104 F fever? That could be too much and I wouldn't have granted the leave.

Yes I have lied before. When I was younger I convinced my mom that I was sick just so I could miss school. I got to stay home that day.

I have very interesting questions:
What kind of superpower would you like to have?
What did he want to become as a child?
What is your favorite color for cats?

I would love to have invisibility.
When I was a child I wanted to play in the NFL

Well that is a nice initiative buddy !

While my question is

What would you have done if you did not know about Steemit and what would have been your lifestyle be like ?

Great question. I have never thought of that. But I would probably have started another business or focused more on my music. I don't like traditional jobs so I would have found some other freelance idea.

Well Steemit suits you better buddy :)

Steem on !

Its our turn😆😆,
What is your experienced in life that keeps you motivated and who are those that gives you the heart to be strong. How can you make yourself out of its best?

What keeps me motivated is the fact that God is bringing a much better world. So I think about that everyday and that keeps me going.

You're really such a wonderful and a blessed person @humanearl, keep it up and May God blessed you more and your family❤️

@humanearl - Sir I need to know, when we can be at the Utopia... I want to see that world before my death Sir...


I have no clue but I believe the world will get worse soon before it gets better. When I say soon I think 5-10 years.

Pretty inspiring, seeing all these comments. That's what it's all about, right - connections? My question is: how can we help you to help us to get more connected in a positive way?

Keep encouraging me as I encourage yall. Also let people know about the Art of Reciprocity whenever I post about it in the future. This will help more people.


Who is your favourite personality, from whome you inspired much.


Many people inspire me but if I had to choose a favorite I would say Jesus.

When you wake up in the morning, what is typically your first thought?

Why is my daughter crying lol.

How you control your anger and frustration. By Towing your hair or some thing else. keep sharing @humanearl

Is this a question?

Yes it is. May be a foolish one for your standard

Its really interesting stuff as ever your post for steemian. Your working is excellent and support to steemit community.

So my question for you.

How do I satisfy the contrast while I do not disturb anyone?

I don't understand your question. Can you reword it for me?

Fantastic show......
really awaseme....../////////////

interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)

Beautiful post

What was the beautiful part?

That's really great....../////

that's pretty cool to know