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RE: ADSactly Fun - Dream Dreamer

in #fun6 years ago

I don't hold too strongly to dreams and most times when I dream, I wake up to the fumes of the dream fading away. I try to catch it but there is difficulty in remembering such surreal scenes.

A dream that I have never forgotten was a dream in which I heard a man calling out to a girl. The name was not one I had heard before, the accent was also wrong; it wasn't nigerian. There was so much pain in the words; "Riley!" that I shudder when I think of it.

Someone with terrible bass ran a commentary as this woman's name was being called. I could not see any faces. It was as if I was listening to a broadcast from a private radio channel.

I tried to see faces but the fog never cleared. The last thing I heard was a woman's voice whispering 'please don't let me go' or something similar, I can't remember now. Then I woke up.

Till date, I can't fathom that dream. It is weirdest I have had. I had to write a poem based on the dream to keep the memory for posterity.

When I woke up from that dream, the television was on, so I don't know, maybe the ongoing television show filtered into my subconscious?

That is my submission. I dont know if it counts though. Peace.


Perhaps the television had forged through your sleep. More likely though is that this was your future true love calling out for you. Have you found her yet? They do say that true love can cross any boundary

I have lost faith in true love a while back. I wonder what she will find when she comes. I have considered the television because when I woke up, it felt as if the television had played a prank on me and it hid it's secrets well

You should have punished it!! hehe