Still More Humour?

in #funny7 years ago

To be Fair , was probably his Best Friend before Marriage!


A South African Girl , obviously ?, can be translated as "The Barbecue is on!"


Should not be surprised if there is some trouble about this?


Makes perfect Sense!


Why Bother?, Everyone loves Snakes!


The Printing at the end of the Video, says it All!

Does the Guy ever get it Right?

All Videos and Pictures sent to me on WhatsApp, Videos converted to My YouTube Channel to be compatible with Steemit

Titles are my own!

Hope this lightens your Day

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You got a 24.22% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @fproductions!

So these are some cool stuff shared by @awgbibb .....good to share some light moment alos...these are funny...

Thank you and have a great day

nice post my lovely brother.

always awesome vedio thanks lol.

Your laughing are really awesome @awgbibb

Oh, excellent videos and pictures! I appreciate them!
I always enjoy watching and reading your posts! Thanks for some fun @awgbibb !
I feel more relaxed now.

Thank You!

This is quite lightning honestly and I could really do a bit of humor I'm strapped up sick in bed

Hope you are better now?

Absolutely far better buddy thank you

Very interesting laughable ..........thanks


Funny videos again by @awgbibb
I'm realy like last one...hahaha..
Good luck sir...

Eventually life is a prose! This post is a humorous good morning! Good morning!

lol I like them, it makes me laugh @awgbibb

Really funny post @awgbibb

hii @awgbibb, I truly appreciate these interesting pictures and recordings as well, a debt of gratitude is in order for offering to us some pleasant entertainment, Remain great.funny moments, love to see your article.

Thank You, so Much!

Awesome funny post @awgbibb. Thanks for sharing.


Wow Great humor 😉
The invisibility Cloak of Harry Porter is now Real..

Wow wonderful
thanks for sharing @awgbibb


Haha! Liked the first one, and the snake one the best! XD

wow is amazing the dog destroyed the motorcicle, but is an innocent dog, althoung he know that he did

it's really creativity....

Aha I guess the bartender didn't bless all the married men at the bar! Think about the women who were waiting for their men! Can you even think how would it be like if all the men really did that, omg too hilarious 😂

Lots of planes flew by but that one plane out of control landing straight on her, inside the pilot was single for way too long! 😂

Well he sacrificed and saved the bottle's life from breaking by falling himself 7 times. 😂

That's first Jet video I've seen this before long ago and it's the same fun hehe, I guess Air Force have these kind of crazy pilots to pull everything off. 😂

OMG the last video just made me laugh way too hard 😂 the setup was epic the most funny moment was when his wife didn't know why he started crying. 😂

Thanks for making me laugh again @awgbibb your funny posts are my most favorite. 😂

I've something to ask you is it ok with you as I leave behind one of my recent funny post at the end of my comment on your funny posts, they are all short connect saying just to "look at it" without asking for like "visit" which I don't. If it's not ok with you then I won't post them here on your posts with my comments. 😊

Here it is...

Cheers Mate 🍻

HAHaha Great post post love it.
Im new user on steemit.


Thank You!

Cool ................ Cool .............. Cool


hahaha. very nice funny video. my big brthar

Congratulations @awgbibb!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 8 with 122 comments

ahhhh wonderfull its a big true and also good post to change the some mode start of my day

Excellent funny videos + poster , i feel so relax after watching such good post, keep sharing with us such funny posters.

Just makes me laughing continuously....thanks a lot...

Your thinking are so sharp awgbibb.Extreme post

Thank You!

Thank you @awgbibb for sharing this post always read your post

Great post my friend @awgbibb.

wooow man this make me funny and crazy after awaking me and release my all upsets feelings

Nice post @awgbibb

i enjoy watching and reading your post, thanks for some nice fun @awgbibb.

Hello! time without going through your blog! always full of good temperament!
the snake disguised as a unicorn is the maximum hahaha "when you want to look nice with the one that you do not like" hahaha

Ha ha ha very funny. Thanks for sharing.

i can't stop laughing too lol hahah

wonderfull talent....

OMG that fighter jet one video hahaah race is on

That jet video is brilliant!!!!

Thank you for bringing up the mood in the morning! :)

heheh this is very funny lol

Wow! The exceptional airline in sky, and mentioned the are so cure as carton @awgbibb

Upvote and restreemed

hahah awesome to share this nice funny and cool post with video and photos @awgbibb

haha really funny 1st photo

nice video......hahahaha

excellent post funny vedio like it thanks for share.


Haaa haaaa haaa more beautiful fabulous...

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