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RE: Memes I felt compelled to save and share this week

in #funny3 years ago

That one with the guy and the toothpaste is so funny because he was so clueless in general. He was on a show called 90 day fiancée and he was a total douche. He went to like the Philippines or Thailand to meet this girl and then told her she had bad breath and all this stuff. It was epic cringe-worthy! That one with the football fields made me laugh as well, so I guess we are on the same page! :)


ah, i never knew where the meme came from. I'll have to check that show out. I like a bit of cringe in my day.

Americans are "picked on" on 9gag on a regular basis for having a different system of measurement than most of the rest of the world... They are all pretty great but there are also a bunch of people that get all wound up in the comments, which was the point in the first place by whoever makes these things.

Well, personally I think we are just asking for it if we can't just use the metric system like everyone else. I have actually never heard a single good reason why we shouldn't change.

There are a bunch of iterations of that show. Basically people meet online from different countries and then they rush to propose so they can get permeant residence or vice versa. Cringing and hilarity ensues. It's a massive train wreck.

you live in a border state... kinda in two places... at least I think you can cross into Canada on the UP but i am not sure about that.... when you get closer to Canada do the speed limit signs start to be in km as well as mph? I spent a bit of time in Maine and that was the case there.

We have three points of access. Two in the lower, one in the upper. Sault Ste Marie in the UP. Port Huron and Detroit are the other two.I haven't noticed any of the signs being like that.

I had science requirements for my degrees in college. I suck at memorization sciences such as Chemistry and Biology, so I went for physics instead. It's all metric in there but a lot of this has a lot to do with our professor, who absolutely hated the US system of measurement and refused to engage or even cover the parts of the subject matter that used anything other than metric and this is fortunate for us because the calculations are much more complicated in anything other than metric.

Old habits die hard though and I would imagine that the layman's use of US measurements will stay intact forever. Engineers and physicists probably feel differently.

To be fair us Americans aren't the only ones. I have a friend in this city from the UK that is incapable of even imagining human weight in anything other than "stone" which is a really bizarre form of measurement as it is 6.350293kg... or if i have to put it in lbs, it is 14 of em.

That is pretty interesting. I've heard the term stone before, but I never knew the exact conversion.