
Ohh yea!!! Heart attack here I come.

well not if you fry your eggs and hashbrowns in the bacon grease cause now they say it's good for ya hmmmm :))

I'm VERY happy to see you back my Friend! I choose DARE! I love eggs! All the best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

things are starting to look up :)

I'm VERY happy to hear this! I hope all is well and have a GREAT Weekend my Friend! All the best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

well maybe not quite yet, but the week coming will definitely be an interesting market

i have never eaten the bacon in my life,,.. but i, eat 2eggs per day to make my diet compelete,(not laying its an honest answer)😇

i understand but here every morning on the drive to work we would stop at McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin with bacon of course , hashbrowns with a glass of orange juice to start the day off.

can you plz visit my bolg and see my post's.. and if like plz upvote...🙂

One of best meal I ever had as breakfast.
What about you ?

for sure with a nice glass of fresh orange juice :)

Untitled picture.gif

Haha. I would prefer milk in this case.

BACON is always a good idea. I have to be in the mood for eggs though.

I don't like bacon but i like eggs.
Thanks for share

I choose dare, in breakfast i like eggs, bacon and also Cheese very good combination

i think you have great taste :)

Thank You

Unpopular opinion: Bacon and Eggs are overrated

Hey @darsico,

I ate too much boil eggs when i daily went to gym

Yes bacon is the best but I like egg too.