

yeah i think back and they played great music and their still going strong were still listening to them today:)

The Powder Blues band is AWESOME!! I love the song!! Great Music!! How I miss and enjoy listening to the blues!! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

before they went on tv i saw them live, yeah could you imagine a little smoke filled bar with 250 people inside full of little tables of 4 or 6 persons full to capacity everybody has a drink in their hand, in front of the stage was a small 10 x 20 dance floor, everybody else standing up a the bar, i remember the whole bar was dancing i was thinking the building is shaking everything goes. It was the wild west, the same bar as you see but much longer 3 bar persons :))

The Seratones have grown much larger than just a bar band but they still sound and perform just like themselves!

I've heard the The Seratones a few times on the radio but i don't think they played in my town

They came to Europe last year! I was impressed.

Dare, my Friend! I have a favorite band! I absolutely love getting in the groove like the bartender above. Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

my favorite Bar band is The Powder Blues band BB King type music but modern this was back in the eighties they had a few hits like Hear that Guitar Ring made it big and faded away had really good times

Very cool my Friend! I love the GREAT BB King type music. The eighties were so GREAT! I have to say my favorite band is The Rolling Stones. I am going to go and listen to The Powder Blues band right after this reply. I can't wait! I hope that you are having a GREAT Weekend. Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Vault Cafe, Delhi😍(lower floor is for cafe and upper part is for bar)
Vault cafe look's exactly like, a vault. it is costly, so me and friends visit very rarely there👍 and interior is also very good...

Tehno Muda iz Vrsca is the name

i wish I could visit one of them.. but my parents wont be allowing me to go.... but when I will earn , the first thing will going to a bar with my best friend.. :)

I have favourit bar band to. But just like

Yes, i have many fav band

Yes i have a favorite band.