
TRUTH OR DARE #193 brought back so MANY memories my Friend! Absolutely love the Post and Video! I never watched any of those commercials before. The mouse REALLY liked the game boy micro LOL! :) On the Nintendo system, I would say Mario was my Favorite. I also played for weeks at a time. On the Sega system, I would say Sonic the Hedgehog was my favorite on that system. If I had to pick one of the two. I would have to say Mario was my all time favorite. I spent so much of my childhood playing that game LOL! :) Thanks Again for all of your support, sharing, entertainment and all of these out of this world TRUTH OR DARES! All the VERY best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Yeah i almost forgot about the hedgehog i think i can still hear the bells ringing when he gets to the Casino levels so much time having fun:)

How I miss those bells ringing LOL! :) In all honesty, I don't know how or why I threw out or gave away my game systems. How I miss them. I may have to be making a purchase soon. It will be well worth it. Like getting a piece of my Childhood back. If I only have the free time now, that I had back then LOL! :)

well here a teeny weeny piece :)
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WOW! Thank you so VERY much @darsico! You really made my weekend! I cannot wipe the smile off my face! I cannot stop watching! Bringing back some GREAT memories! This was VERY thoughtful of you! I will never forget you thinking of me! Thanks for bringing back some of my Childhood! Your a GREAT Person my Friend! Thanks Again! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

I like to play desktop games, so my favourite games are Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Max Payne 3. And recently bought GTA 5 but unfortunately it's not working due to low end system specifications. Thanks for sharing this interesting and engaging post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

My opinion probably shifts every time I wake up, but my favorite game (today) is Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES. I loved all the Mario games up to that point, but had never gotten into RPGs; Mario RPG was my introduction to the genre, and paved the way for me to play Breath of Fire, Lufia, and a host of other RPGs up to stuff like Octopath Traveler, Fallout, and Persona today.


All Super Nintendo heads, hands in the air! :D

If it came to play station, I'd be like Final Fantasy 8

For PC, one and forever DOOM - The Original

The best video game I played was Final Fantasy X. I liked it so much that I even cosplayed Lulu at a sci-fi convention!

you look amazing must of been a lot of fun :)

Thank you! It was fun! It was so surreal. You go there to meet people with similar interests and meet celebrities, and when you cosplay, people stop you almost non-stop wanting photos of you. I'm a shy person, so it was a lot for me to even dress up as a video game character and walk around a crowd of over 100,000 people.

I like to play Super is very fun to play. The worst game I ever play is tennis game... I never win haha... 😂

yes i like Mario specially the original Mario and yes the paddle game is just boring for me also :)

Hi @darsico. I must say super Mario and contra is my first ever video games and it was so fun and addicting.

I do play counters strike and dota during my school and college ..but now, I just play mobile games like previously COC and now ML...the worst games I ever play is the Arcades still can be play, but it just I seldomly win when I plays with CPU...

Goldeneye 007 on Nintendo 64 was the best game ever

And Mario kart on N64 is a close second!

maple story, somebody?

My favorite game is Don’t Starve. It’s a great way to focus on something cute and silly and forget about real world problems for a little bit!

Before I'm always playing a BANANA KONG

good old arcade days with dig dug, karate, kung fu and such.
wow... i'm getting old.

My favorite was the original Star Wars video game. I spent a lot of time on that one when it first came out (did I just date myself). I used to get pretty high scores on that one too. May the force be with you!

My favourite video game is and will always be Pro Evoluton Soccer!

My favorite video game is Minecraft. I have my own town in Minecraft. Thanks @darsico!😊

CrashBandicoot on PS1, what a classic

I love to play Warface. It's a first person shooter fps game. Warface has 4 class Rifleman, Medio, Engineer and Sniper. It's my favorite game because there's too much interesting guns to play with.

I seldom play video games actually. But my favorite video game is bomberman. So easy to play, just bomb anything you want, or kick the bomb towards your enemies. It’s good for reduce stress. I still play it some times. Haha 😆


It's hard for me to answer, because I do not really like video games. Although occasionally I play video games, it's just a trial and a moment.

This post has received a 36.02 % upvote from @boomerang.

@Darsico information that is very useful and useful .. i love it greeting friendship and greeting steemit.

Truth or Dare #193 is the most enjoyable games I have ever played. Not only I, all of my friends also addicted to this unique games. Thaks so much to post on my favorite games