
Yes I eat banana.
When we are young we have a farm of banana what we called kalitundan.
In our country I don't hear or notice that there is National Banana Day?
Ok! Happy National Banana Day to all.

I usually just eat the peel

Happy Belated Banana Day! I didn't eat a banana yesterday, but I will try to eat one today. A banana split sounds out of this world! Thanks for another out of this world TRUTH OR DARE! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

yeah i bet they were all going bananas on this one :)) the monkeys that is :O

HAHAHAHAHA! They always seem to be monkeying around LOL! :) How they love their bananas. :) Nothing comes between a monkey and his banana LOL! :)

I sure did but I had no idea it was "National banana day." How bout that!?

hey man, you're actually in the feed on top in the minute-window when i happen to be looking at it :D

but alas ....

ah yes thats a great old song i even remember i ended up singing it once on Halloween night as my trick to get candy of course lol:)

i didnt know you were that old ;-)

i never did that halloween thing, its only been imported here as a commercial weekend for some years ... i guess they needed some extra as sales been going down all the time ...
i first heard spike jones in some hipster café in gent, pretty special of its own kind kinda music

Happy banana days...but today I haven't eat banana...😅
Here banana easy to find and we can eat everyday if we want...😅

I don't have pictures of my door...

I didn't know it was banana day but by pure coincidence I ate it!

Off course I ate mine who wouldn't banana is one of my favourite fruit it's sweet full of fiber and other minerals and vitamins who doesn't like banana?
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Are you kidding me, man?! Hahahaha Banana is my favorite fruit, and here in Venezuela we have a lot of types of them. LOL I like it so much. :D Greetings, @darsico!

Hahaha wow fantastic funny 😁😁 post

Hahahaa lols.

they have a day for everything even bananas :p

Happy National Banana Day... I really like to eat banana 😋

I didn't even know there is such a day. I don't really fancy banana, eat it only occasionally.

Hola @darisco, Si como plátano, esta fruta me encanta, aquí en mi Venezuela, se suele se consumen muchas de sus variedades en infinidades de preparaciones frito, horneado, salcochado, en dulces como bocadillos y dulces. en mi casa tengo un sembradío de plátano estos son el fruto de mi cosecha.

Nice post haha @darsico and thank you to share with us this beautiful post


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